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[英]GetPreviewBitmapFile save preview bitmap with strange colors (SolidWorks)

I'm developing C# VSTA macro for our manufacturing department. 我正在为我们的制造部门开发C#VSTA宏。 I'm using SldWorks.GetPreviewBitMapFile to save a bitmap preview of the selected model and show it in the picturebox as shown below: 我正在使用SldWorks.GetPreviewBitMapFile保存所选模型的位图预览,并将其显示在图片框中,如下所示:


The code looks fine and execute fine except for the strange colors: 该代码看起来不错,并且执行得很好,除了奇怪的颜色:

bool status = swApp.GetPreviewBitmapFile(filepath, configuration, "D:\\preview.bmp");
            pictureBox1.ImageLocation = "D:\\Preview.bmp";
            pictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;

Has anyone had a similar problem and what's the remedy? 有没有人有类似的问题,有什么补救办法?

Here is an example of working code: 这是一个工作代码示例:

//to compare output
iSwApp.GetPreviewBitmapFile(@"c:\Path\Part1.SLDPRT", "Default", @"c:\Path\Part1_0.bmp");

object com = iSwApp.GetPreviewBitmap(@"c:\Path\Part1.SLDPRT", "Default");
stdole.StdPicture pic = com as stdole.StdPicture;
Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.FromHbitmap((IntPtr)pic.Handle);

There are few notes about GetPreviewBitmap from SW API: 关于SW API的GetPreviewBitmap的几点说明:

  • Currently only in-process applications (that is, macros or add-ins) can use this method; 当前,只有进程内的应用程序(即宏或加载项)可以使用此方法。 out-of-process applications (that is, executables) will get an automation error because the IPictureDisp interface cannot be marshalled across process boundaries. 进程外应用程序(即可执行文件)将获得自动化错误,因为IPictureDisp接口无法跨进程边界编组。 This is a Microsoft behavior by design. 这是设计使然的Microsoft行为。 See the Microsoft Knowledge Base for details. 有关详细信息,请参见Microsoft知识库。
  • This method is not supported in macros or out-of-process applications in SolidWorks x64. SolidWorks x64中的宏或进程外应用程序不支持此方法。

I was able to make it work in SolidWorks x64 only in .NET add-in and in VBA macros. 我能够使其仅在.NET插件和VBA宏中在SolidWorks x64中工作。 Let me know if you need add-in example. 让我知道您是否需要插件示例。

An update for SW2016. SW2016的更新。 The GetPreviewBitmapFile function works for an out-of-process Csharp console program. GetPreviewBitmapFile函数适用于进程外的Csharp控制台程序。 However, the colors of the generated bitmap are very strange. 但是,生成的位图的颜色非常奇怪。 It turns out the only valid solution is to use the SaveBmp function. 事实证明,唯一有效的解决方案是使用SaveBmp函数。

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