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[英]String.length() gives me a wrong value

Whenever I enter a password under 10 characters it gives me Password cannot exceed 10 characters . 每当我输入的密码少于10个字符时, Password cannot exceed 10 characters

private void jButton5ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                         
        String name = Name.getText();
        String Username = uName.getText().toString();
        String Pass1 = uPass.getPassword().toString();
        String Confirm = uConfirm.getPassword().toString();
        String Status = "OFFLINE";
        int PassLen = Pass1.length();

        if (Username.equals("") || Pass1.equals("") || Confirm.equals("") || name.equals("")) 
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You cannot leave any fields blank when creating an Account. Please Try Again");
        else if ((uPass.getPassword().toString()).length()>10)
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Password cannot exceed a maximum of 10 characters.");  
        else if (!Pass1.equals(Confirm))
            lblError1.setText("Passwords Do Not Match.");
            lblError2.setText("Please re-enter your Password.");
            try {
                DB_Connect connect = new DB_Connect();
                ResultSet rs = connect.queryTbl("SELECT * FROM ACOUNTS");
                boolean AlreadyUser = false;
                String User;
                while (rs.next())
                    User = rs.getString("Username");
                        AlreadyUser = true;
                if (AlreadyUser==false)
                    connect.updateTbl("INSERT INTO NBUSER.ACCOUNTS (USERNAME,PASSWORD,STATUS,NAME)VALUES ('"+Username+"','"+Pass1+"','"+Status+"','"+name+"')");
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Account Created Successfully !");
                    new Topics().setVisible(true);
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The Username you have selected already exists. Please select a different Username");
            } catch (SQLException ex) {
                Logger.getLogger(CreateAccount.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);



Since you're obviously using Swing, it is also very likely that you use a JPasswordField for your passwords. 由于您显然正在使用Swing,因此很可能使用JPasswordField作为密码。 So let's see, what getPassword really does: 让我们来看一下getPassword真正作用:

public char[] getPassword()

Returns the text contained in this TextComponent. 返回此TextComponent中包含的文本。 If the underlying document is null, will give a NullPointerException. 如果基础文档为null,则将提供NullPointerException。 For stronger security, it is recommended that the returned character array be cleared after use by setting each character to zero. 为了提高安全性,建议在使用后通过将每个字符设置为零来清除返回的字符数组。

Returns: the text 返回:文本

As you can see, it returns your password in a char[] and since this class doesn't override toString your call of uPass.getPassword().toString() results in something like: 如您所见,它以char[]返回您的密码,并且由于此类不会覆盖toString您对uPass.getPassword().toString()调用将产生uPass.getPassword().toString()结果:

[C@1d44bcfa [C @ 1d44bcfa

which is the result of calling Object#toString . 这是调用Object#toString的结果。

The length of this String is 11 and therefore larger then 10 and your else if block ( else if ((uPass.getPassword().toString()).length()>10) ) will be entered. 此字符串的长度为11,因此大于10,然后输入else if块( else if ((uPass.getPassword().toString()).length()>10) ))。

To fix that, call the String constructor String(char[]) like: 要解决此问题,请像下面这样调用String构造函数String(char[])

String Pass1 = new String(uPass.getPassword());

Please use this just as a "quick fix" for your current problem and try to find a way to use the originally returned char[] . 请将此作为对您当前问题的“快速修复”,并尝试找到一种方法来使用最初返回的char[] As mentioned by the quoted JavaDoc it is recommened the "clean" the char array after using it, so the password won't be stored there anymore. 正如引用的JavaDoc所提到的,建议在使用完字符数组后建议“清理”该字符数组,因此不再将密码存储在此处。 By creating a String from the array, using new String(uPass.getPassword()) , you're creating another object in the heap which contains the password and which also needs to be removed from there. 通过使用new String(uPass.getPassword())从数组创建字符串,您将在堆中创建另一个对象,该对象包含密码,并且也需要从该对象中删除该对象。 So it would add more work for you. 因此,它将为您增加更多的工作。

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