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[英]Clojure reducer/map not working

I've an algorithm as follows - 我有一个算法如下-

(defn max-of
(into [] (apply map #(apply max %&) args)))

which works fine. 效果很好。

(max-of [[1 7] [3 5] [7 9] [2 2]]) returns [7 9] (max-of [[1 7] [3 5] [7 9] [2 2]])返回[7 9]

It basically finds the maximum element on each position. 它基本上找到每个位置上的最大元素。 7 is the largest first element is the collection and 9 is the largest second element. 7是最大的第一个元素是集合,而9是最大的第二个元素。 However, when trying to use reducer/map from core.reducers , i get 但是,当尝试使用core.reducers reducer/map时,我得到了

CompilerException clojure.lang.ArityException: Wrong number of args (21) passed to: reducers/map

So this does not work - 所以这行不通-

(defn max-of
(into [] (apply r/map #(apply max %&) args)))

Why? 为什么?


my final code is 我的最终代码是

(defn max-of [[tuple & tuples]]
  (into [] (r/fold (fn
            ([] tuple)
            ([t1 t2] (map max t1 t2)))
          (vec tuples))))

Running a quick bench on it gives Execution time mean : 626.125215 ms 在其上运行快速工作台可得出Execution time mean : 626.125215 ms

I've got this other algorithm that I wrote before - 我有我之前写的另一种算法-

(defn max-fold
    (loop [acc (transient []) t seq-arg]
        (if (empty? (first t))
            (rseq (persistent! acc))
            (recur (conj! acc (apply max (map peek t))) (map pop t)))))

which does that same thing. 做同样的事情。 For this i got - Execution time mean : 308.200310 ms which is twice as fast than the r/fold parallel thingy. 为此,我得到- Execution time mean : 308.200310 ms ,这是r / fold并行Execution time mean : 308.200310 ms两倍。 Any ideas why? 有什么想法吗?

Btw, if I remove into [] from the r/fold stuff, then I get Execution time mean : 13.101313 ms . 顺便说一句,如果我从r/fold内容中删除into [] ,那么我得到的Execution time mean : 13.101313 ms

r/map takes [f] or [f coll] - so your apply approach won't work here r/map需要[f][f coll] -因此您的apply方法在这里不起作用

user=> (doc r/map)
([f] [f coll])


user=> (doc map)
([f] [f coll] [f c1 c2] [f c1 c2 c3] [f c1 c2 c3 & colls])

The answer to the question why has already been given. 为什么给出这个问题的答案。 So let's answer the next question: "what are you trying to do?" 因此,让我们回答下一个问题:“您想做什么?”

According to how i've understood your goal (find maximum elements by the position in tuples) and to do it potentially in parallel (as you are trying to use reducers), that's what you have to do 根据我对目标的了解(通过元组中的位置查找最大元素)并潜在地并行执行(当您尝试使用reducer时),这就是您必须要做的

(defn max-of [tuples]
  (r/fold (fn
            ([] (first tuples))
            ([t1 t2] (map max t1 t2)))
          ((rest tuples)))

user> (max-of [[1 7] [3 5] [7 9] [2 2]])
(7 9)

(max-of [[1 2 3] [3 2 1] [4 0 4]])
(4 2 4)

user> (max-of [])

user> (max-of [[1 2 3]])
[1 2 3]

or even better with destructuring: 甚至在销毁方面更好:

(defn max-of [[tuple & tuples]]
  (r/fold (fn
            ([] tuple)
            ([t1 t2] (map max t1 t2)))

update: for large data you should optimize it and switch to using vectors 更新:对于大数据,您应该对其进行优化并切换为使用向量

(defn max-of [[tuple & tuples]]
  (r/fold (fn
            ([] tuple)
            ([t1 t2] (map max t1 t2)))
          (vec tuples)))

user> (max-of (repeat 1000000 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]))
(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

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