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.htaccess DirectoryIndex /subfolder/index.php似乎以一种有趣的方式管理链接

[英].htaccess DirectoryIndex /subfolder/index.php seems to manage links in a funny way

  • I have the default myIndex.php in a subfolder of public_html. 我在public_html的子文件夹中有默认的myIndex.php。

  • I added a file .htaccess in public_html. 我在public_html中添加了文件.htaccess。

  • I added DirectoryIndex /subfolder/myIndex.php in it. 我在其中添加了DirectoryIndex /subfolder/myIndex.php。

myIndex.php contains links and includes. myIndex.php包含链接并包含。 Includes seems to work but links dont: no images and no css but menu.php is included. 包括似乎工作,但链接不起作用:没有图像,没有CSS,但包括menu.php。 Links in menu.php dont work either. menu.php中的链接也不起作用。

If I 如果我

  • change .htaccess to DirectoryIndex index.php, 将.htaccess更改为DirectoryIndex index.php,

  • create a file index.php in public_html, 在public_html中创建文件index.php,

  • and put a link to "./subfolder/myIndex.php" in it 并在其中放置一个指向“ ./subfolder/myIndex.php”的链接

    everything works fine. 一切正常。

I dont understand what happens here. 我不明白这里会发生什么。

DirectoryIndex determines what to do, when a client requests a directory. DirectoryIndex确定客户端请求目录时的处理方式。 If you have 如果你有

DirectoryIndex /subfolder/myIndex.php

then exactly this script will be executed every time the client requests a directory, no matter where this directory is, eg /anotherfolder/ or /static/ . 那么无论客户端位于哪个目录(例如/anotherfolder//static/ ),每次客户端请求目录时都将准确执行此脚本。 But when you have 但是当你有

DirectoryIndex index.php

instead, Apache looks for an index.php in the requested directory, eg /anotherfolder/index.php or /static/index.php . 相反,Apache在请求的目录中查找index.php ,例如/anotherfolder/index.php/static/index.php

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