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[英]base64 decoding doesn't work

I am trying to display an image from a mysql database in a HTML table with PHP. 我正在尝试使用PHP在HTML表中显示来自mysql数据库的图像。 As I stored the images as BLOBs in the DB, I used the following base64 functions to convert them from binary and display them correctly: 当我将图像作为BLOB存储在数据库中时,我使用以下base64函数将其从二进制转换并正确显示:

echo $dec;

I don't know why images continue displaying like this: 我不知道为什么图像继续像这样显示: 在此处输入图片说明

Here is the entire PHP code: 这是完整的PHP代码:

    // Konexio lokala sortu
    $sql = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '') or die(mysql_error());
    // Konexioa lokala egiaztatu
    mysql_select_db("quiz") or die(mysql_error());
    $sql="SELECT * FROM `Erabiltzaile`";
    $records = mysql_query($sql);
    if (! $records)
         die('Errorea: ' . mysql_error());

    <table width="800" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1">
            while($erabiltzaile=mysql_fetch_assoc($records)) {
                echo "<td>".$erabiltzaile['Izena']."</td>";
                echo "<td>".$erabiltzaile['Eposta']."</td>";
                echo "<td>".$erabiltzaile['Pasahitza']."</td>";
                echo "<td>".$erabiltzaile['Telefonoa']."</td>";
                echo "<td>".$erabiltzaile['Espezialitatea']."</td>";
                echo "<td>".$erabiltzaile['Interesak']."</td>";
                $image = $erabiltzaile['Argazkia'];
                echo "<td>";
                echo $dec;
                echo "</td>";
                echo "</tr>";


It's my first question here, hope the format of the question is good. 这是我的第一个问题,希望问题的格式正确。 Sorry about the words in Basque(Argazkia means Picture). 对不起,巴斯克语中的单词(Argazkia表示图片)。

Put the base64 code in data: URI in an <img> tag: 将base64代码放入<img>标记中的data: URI中:

$type = getimagesizefromstring($image);
$enc = base64_encode($image);
echo "<td>";
echo "<img src='data:" . $type['mime'] . "';base64," . $enc . "'>";
echo "</td>";

getimagesizefromstring is available in PHP 5.4+. getimagesizefromstring在PHP 5.4+中可用。 If you have an older version, you can find a polyfill here . 如果您使用的是旧版本,则可以在此处找到一个polyfill。

I finally made it work with this: 我终于做到了这一点:

$enc = base64_encode($image);
echo "<td>";
echo '<img src="data:image/;base64,' . $enc . '"/>';
echo "</td>";

Without $type = getimagesize($image); 没有$type = getimagesize($image);

Thank you for all the comments and for the answer Barmar! 感谢您的所有评论和Barmar的答案! :) :)

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