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[英]Editing using Pop-up modal

I've some problems with my Edit function for editing my groups table. 我的用于编辑分组表的“编辑”功能存在一些问题。 the fields are "group_id(primary key), cat_id(foreign key), group_name" I used the group_id as the identifier of which group information I should edit 这些字段是"group_id(primary key), cat_id(foreign key), group_name"我使用group_id作为应编辑的组信息的标识符

This is my Edit button 这是我的编辑按钮

a href="#" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal3" class="btnedit">Edit</a

When i clink the Edit Button, this modal will pop up 当我点击“编辑按钮”时,此模式将会弹出

<div class="modal fade" id="myModal2" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel"></div>

I added an hidden input type to hold the group_id 我添加了一个隐藏的输入类型来保存group_id

" id="editID"> “ id =” editID“>

I used this javascript to get the group_id value. 我使用此JavaScript来获取group_id值。



    var url = '<?php echo DEFAULT_URL."group/edit_group/";?>';








My question now is how will I apply the vallue that I got from my javascript into the modal to edit the details from the group_id that I seected? 我现在的问题是,如何将我从javascript中获得的价值应用到模式中,以从我选择的group_id中编辑详细信息?



    var url = '<?php echo DEFAULT_URL."group/edit_group/";?>';







??? ???

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