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[英]How to convert MySQL Timestamp to Javascript date?

I want to display a Google Chart (Line Chart) on .jsp page of my Spring MVC application. 我想在Spring MVC应用程序的.jsp页面上显示Google图表(折线图)。 The data is retrieved from a MySQL database, so I need to convert the YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format into Javascript's Date. 数据是从MySQL数据库检索的,因此我需要将YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS格式转换为Javascript的Date。

The database is created by Hibernate. 该数据库由Hibernate创建。 The Reading entity has a time field of type java.sql.Timestamp , which is stored as DATETIME in the database. Reading实体具有一个类型为java.sql.Timestamptime字段,该字段以DATETIME java.sql.Timestamp存储在数据库中。

The results is an Iterable<Reading> object passed to the .jsp via controller. results是一个Iterable<Reading>对象,该对象通过控制器传递给.jsp。 It is passed correctly (I am displaying the data as a table, too). 它已正确传递(我也将数据显示为表格)。

I'm trying to use the solution proposed here , but it does not work. 我正在尝试使用此处提出的解决方案,但是它不起作用。

Here's the code I'm trying to populate the chart with: 这是我尝试使用以下图表填充的代码:

<c:forEach items="${results}" var="reading">
    var t = "${reading.time}".split(/[- :]/);
    var d = new Date(t[0], t[1]-1, t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5]);

The chart is not displaying. 图表未显示。

Facts: 事实:

Put together: 放在一起:

<c:forEach items="${results}" var="reading">
    <fmt:formatDate var="time" value="${reading.time}" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss" timeZone="UTC" />
    var d = new Date("${time}");
    // ...

Alternatively, just convert results to JSON using a decent JSON formatter in the controller and print it as if it's a JS variable like so var data = ${data}; 或者,只需在控制器中使用适当的JSON格式器将results转换为JSON,然后像打印JS变量一样将其打印出来,就像var data = ${data}; . See also ao How to access array of user defined objects within <script> in JSP? 另请参见ao 如何在JSP中的<script>中访问用户定义对象的数组?

Unrelated to the concrete problem: make sure your model is of java.util.Date type. 具体问题无关 :确保模型为java.util.Date类型。 You shouldn't have java.sql.* typed properties in your model. 您的模型中不应包含java.sql.*类型的属性。 If you're using plain JDBC, just upcast ResultSet#getTimestamp() to java.util.Date directly. 如果使用的是纯JDBC,则只需直接将ResultSet#getTimestamp()上载到java.util.Date See also ao Handling MySQL datetimes and timestamps in Java . 另请参见ao 在Java中处理MySQL日期时间和时间戳

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