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将int转换为布尔ADO.NET SqlParameter

[英]Converting int to boolean ADO.NET SqlParameter

I am trying to use a stored procedure that returns an int. 我正在尝试使用返回int的存储过程。 Then I need to convert int to a boolean (success). 然后,我需要将int转换为布尔值(成功)。

SqlParameter Return = new SqlParameter(); 
Return.ParameterName = "@return";
Return.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int;
Return.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;   

However this line of code throws a System.InvalidCastException error 但是,此行代码将引发System.InvalidCastException错误

 Success = (Boolean)Command.Parameters["@return"].Value;

What should I do to not get this error? 我应该怎么做才能避免出现此错误?

Thanks 谢谢

You can use any of the following method to do what you need: 您可以使用以下任何一种方法来完成所需的操作:

Success = Convert.ToBoolean(Command.Parameters["@return"].Value);

or 要么

Success = Command.Parameters["@return"].Value==0?false:true;

or 要么

  Success = false;
  Success = true;

(they're all the same thing as Convert.ToBoolean which will be false if the value is zero, otherwise true (this came from C!) (它们与Convert.ToBoolean都相同,如果值为零,则为false,否则为true(来自C!)

EDIT: one thing I have forgotten is that, if it returns a string or an object, you might have to cast it to integer first before converting to boolean. 编辑:我已经忘记的一件事是,如果它返回字符串或对象,则可能必须先将其转换为整数,然后再转换为布尔值。

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