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[英]Android - NavigationView, Menu with icon as TexDrawable

I am trying set the icon of item menu inside NavigationView as TextDrawable. 我正在尝试将NavigationView中项目菜单的图标设置为TextDrawable。 For textDrawable im using TextDrawable library , but once i set the icon for the menu item it only displays a black circle instead of generated drawable. 对于使用TextDrawable库的 textDrawable im,但是一旦我为菜单项设置了图标,它只会显示一个黑色圆圈,而不是生成的drawable。

I did try my code to generate the TextDrawable outside the NavigationView and it displays want i need, but I can't manage to make it display as icon for my menu item. 我确实尝试过在我的代码中在NavigationView之外生成TextDrawable,并且它显示了我所需的显示,但是我无法设法使其显示为菜单项的图标。

To generate the TexDrawable: 生成TexDrawable:

private Drawable getLetterDrawable(String letter){
    return TextDrawable.builder()
            .width(20)  // width in px
            .height(20) // height in px
            .buildRect(letter, Color.RED);

To set the icon: 设置图标:

        Menu menu = navigationView.getMenu();
        menu.add("Item text here").setIcon(getLetterDrawable("A"));

And this is the unexpected result: 这是意外的结果:


EDIT: When I set R.mipmap.ic_launcher as icon i get the android icon but also in grey color, so i can only see its border. 编辑:当我将R.mipmap.ic_launcher设置为图标时,我得到的是android图标,但也是灰色的,所以我只能看到其边框。 It seems that the drawable its being "tinted" when using menuItem.setIcon() . 使用menuItem.setIcon()时,可绘制对象似乎已“着色”。

I did try to do the following, but without success: 我确实尝试执行以下操作,但未成功:

        MenuInflater mi = getMenuInflater();
        mi.inflate(R.menu.menu_drawer, menu);

Question: How can I remove the filter and show my icon in colors? 问题:如何删除过滤器并用颜色显示图标?

EDIT 2 : After Andrea Basso suggestion, I did manage to remove the tint from navigationView object, but i can't still see the letter inside the square. 编辑2:Andrea Basso建议之后,我确实设法删除了NavigationView对象的色彩,但我仍然看不到正方形内的字母。 I only see the red square but no letter inside. 我只看到红色方块,但里面没有字母。

The main problem remains: how to put TextDrawable as icon on MenuItem ? 主要问题仍然存在:如何将TextDrawable作为图标放在MenuItem

NavigationView has the method setItemIconTintList (ColorStateList tint) , which is what you're looking for. NavigationView具有要查找的方法setItemIconTintList (ColorStateList tint)

A ColorStateList is an XML file that defines the different filters for different states. ColorStateList是一个XML文件,为不同的状态定义了不同的过滤器。 Here 's the documentation page. 是文档页面。

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