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[英]How to write to database all cache in Odoo environment?

I'm doing a test where I need to imitate the onchange behavior, so: 我正在做一个需要模仿onchange行为的测试,所以:

with self.env.do_in_onchange():
    self.onefield = "blahblah"

But when one exits the with block, that data is not written to DB. 但是,当退出with块时,该数据不会写入DB。 I'm looking for some kind of self.env.cache.write_to_db() . 我正在寻找某种self.env.cache.write_to_db() Do you know of any? 你知道吗

I found the solution. 我找到了解决方案。

To write a record's cache: 要写入记录的缓存:


To write all the environment's cache: 要写入所有环境的缓存:

models = dict()
for field, cache in self.env.cache.iteritems():
    for id_, value in cache.iteritems():
        models.setdefault(field.model_name, list())

for name, ids in models.iteritems():
    for record in self.env[name].browse(ids):

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