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[英]typesafe select onChange event using reactjs and typescript

I have figured out how to tie up an event handler on a SELECT element using an ugly cast of the event to any. 我已经想出如何使用事件的丑陋演员来绑定SELECT元素上的事件处理程序。

Is it possible to retrieve the value in a type-safe manner without casting to any? 是否可以以类型安全的方式检索值而不转换为任何值?

import React = require('react');

interface ITestState {
    selectedValue: string;

export class Test extends React.Component<{}, ITestState> {

    constructor() {
        this.state = { selectedValue: "A" };

    change(event: React.FormEvent) {
        console.log(event.target); // in chrome => <select class="form-control" id="searchType" data-reactid=".">...</select>

        // Use cast to any works but is not type safe
        var unsafeSearchTypeValue = ((event.target) as any).value;

        console.log(unsafeSearchTypeValue); // in chrome => B

            selectedValue: unsafeSearchTypeValue

    render() {
        return (
                <label htmlFor="searchType">Safe</label>
                <select className="form-control" id="searchType" onChange={ e => this.change(e) } value={ this.state.selectedValue }>
                    <option value="A">A</option>
                    <option value="B">B</option>

Since upgrading my typings to react 0.14.43 (I'm not sure exactly when this was introduced), the React.FormEvent type is now generic and this removes the need for a cast. 由于升级我的打字以反应0.14.43(我不确定何时引入它),React.FormEvent类型现在是通用的,这消除了对转换的需要。

import React = require('react');

interface ITestState {
    selectedValue: string;

export class Test extends React.Component<{}, ITestState> {

    constructor() {
        this.state = { selectedValue: "A" };

    change(event: React.FormEvent<HTMLSelectElement>) {
        // No longer need to cast to any - hooray for react!
        var safeSearchTypeValue: string = event.currentTarget.value;

        console.log(safeSearchTypeValue); // in chrome => B

            selectedValue: safeSearchTypeValue

    render() {
        return (
                <label htmlFor="searchType">Safe</label>
                <select className="form-control" id="searchType" onChange={ e => this.change(e) } value={ this.state.selectedValue }>
                    <option value="A">A</option>
                    <option value="B">B</option>

I tried using React.FormEvent<HTMLSelectElement> but it led to an error in the editor, even though there is no EventTarget visible in the code: 我尝试使用React.FormEvent<HTMLSelectElement>但它导致编辑器出错,即使代码中没有可见的EventTarget

The property 'value' does not exist on value of type 'EventTarget' 'EventTarget'类型的值不存在属性'value'

Then I changed React.FormEvent to React.ChangeEvent and it helped: 然后我将React.FormEvent更改为React.ChangeEvent ,它帮助:

private changeName(event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLSelectElement>) {

Update: the official type-definitions for React have been including event types as generic types for some time now, so you now have full compile-time checking, and this answer is obsolete. 更新:React的官方类型定义已经将事件类型作为泛型类型包含了一段时间,因此您现在有完整的编译时检查,这个答案已经过时了。

Is it possible to retrieve the value in a type-safe manner without casting to any? 是否可以以类型安全的方式检索值而不转换为任何值?

Yes. 是。 If you are certain about the element your handler is attached to, you can do: 如果您确定您的处理程序所附加的元素,您可以执行以下操作:

<select onChange={ e => this.selectChangeHandler(e) }>
private selectChangeHandler(e: React.FormEvent)
    var target = e.target as HTMLSelectElement;
    var intval: number = target.value; // Error: 'string' not assignable to 'number'

Live demo 现场演示

The TypeScript compiler will allow this type-assertion, because an HTMLSelectElement is an EventTarget . TypeScript编译器将允许此类型断言,因为HTMLSelectElementEventTarget After that, it should be type-safe, because you know that e.target is an HTMLSelectElement , because you just attached your event handler to it. 之后,它应该是类型安全的,因为您知道e.target是一个HTMLSelectElement ,因为您只是将事件处理程序附加到它。

However, to guarantee type-safety (which, in this case, is relevant when refactoring), it is also needed to check the actual runtime-type: 但是,为了保证类型安全(在这种情况下,在重构时相关),还需要检查实际的运行时类型:

if (!(target instanceof HTMLSelectElement))
    throw new TypeError("Expected a HTMLSelectElement.");

The easiest way is to add a type to the variable that is receiving the value, like this: 最简单的方法是向接收值的变量添加一个类型,如下所示:

var value: string = (event.target as any).value;

Or you could cast the value property as well as event.target like this: 或者你可以像这样event.target value属性和event.target

var value = ((event.target as any).value as string);

Edit: 编辑:

Lastly, you can define what EventTarget.value is in a separate .d.ts file. 最后,您可以在单独的.d.ts文件中定义EventTarget.value However, the type will have to be compatible where it's used elsewhere, and you'll just end up using any again anyway. 但是,该类型必须与其他地方使用的类型兼容,并且无论如何你最终都会使用any

globals.d.ts globals.d.ts

interface EventTarget {
    value: any;

it works: 有用:

type HtmlEvent = React.ChangeEvent<HTMLSelectElement>

const onChange: React.EventHandler<HtmlEvent> = 
   (event: HtmlEvent) => { 

As far as I can tell, this is currently not possible - a cast is always needed. 据我所知,这目前是不可能的 - 总是需要演员。

To make it possible, the .d.ts of react would need to be modified so that the signature of the onChange of a SELECT element used a new SelectFormEvent. 为了使其成为可能,需要修改反应的.d.ts,以便SELECT元素的onChange的签名使用新的SelectFormEvent。 The new event type would expose target, which exposes value. 新事件类型将公开target,它会公开值。 Then the code could be typesafe. 然后代码可以是类型安全的。

Otherwise there will always be the need for a cast to any. 否则总是需要对任何人施展。

I could encapsulate all that in a MYSELECT tag. 我可以将所有内容封装在MYSELECT标记中。


<select value={ this.state.foo } onChange={this.handleFooChange}>
    <option value="A">A</option>
    <option value="B">B</option>

TypeScript : TypeScript

private handleFooChange = (event: React.FormEvent<HTMLSelectElement>) => {
    const element = event.target as HTMLSelectElement;
    this.setState({ foo: element.value });

In addition to @thoughtrepo's answer: 除了@ thoughtrepo的回答:

Until we do not have definitely typed events in React it might be useful to have a special target interface for input controls: 在我们在React中没有明确键入的事件之前,为输入控件设置一个特殊的目标接口可能很有用:

export interface FormControlEventTarget extends EventTarget{
    value: string;

And then in your code cast to this type where is appropriate to have IntelliSense support: 然后在您的代码中转换为适合获得IntelliSense支持的此类型:

 import {FormControlEventTarget} from "your.helper.library"

 (event.target as FormControlEventTarget).value;

In my case onChange event was typed as React.ChangeEvent: 在我的情况下,onChange事件被输入为React.ChangeEvent:

onChange={ (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLSelectElement>) => {
           console.warn('onChange TextInput value: ' + e.target.value);

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