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gulp + webpack + css-loader + typescript:“找不到模块”

[英]gulp + webpack + css-loader + typescript: “cannot find module”

I want to use css-loader with :local() function in my dev-setup. 我想在我的dev-setup中使用css-loader:local()函数。

No error: import './sidebar.css'; 没有错误: import './sidebar.css';

it compiles without problem, but then I dont know how to access the local classnames inside my .tsx file. 它编译没有问题,但后来我不知道如何访问我的.tsx文件中的本地类名。

Error: import classNames from './sidebar.css'; 错误: import classNames from './sidebar.css';

Here I get: error TS2307: Cannot find module './sidebar.css' 我得到: error TS2307: Cannot find module './sidebar.css'

Explaining my setup: 解释我的设置:

  1. .tsx files are compiled to commonjs modules via gulp-typescript (ES5) .tsx文件通过gulp-typescript(ES5)编译到commonjs模块
  2. commonjs modules are compiled & minified to JS via webpack commonjs模块通过webpack编译和缩小为JS

sidebar.tsx (gets imported in app.tsx if that matters) sidebar.tsx (如果重要的话,在app.tsx导入)

import classNames from './sidebar.css';

sidebar.css sidebar.css

.sl-sidebar {
  background-color: yellow;

gulpfile.js gulpfile.js

Gulp task compiling .tsx files to commonJS modules (runs before webpack-task of course): Gulp任务将.tsx文件编译为commonJS模块(当然在webpack-task之前运行):

gulp.task('gui-tsx', function () {
    return gulp.src(config.guiTsxPath + '**/*.tsx')
            jsx: 'react',
            outDir: config.guiCompiledPath,
            module: 'commonjs',
            target: 'ES5'

My gulp-webpack task: 我的gulp-webpack任务:

gulp.task('gui-webpack', function () {
        bail: false,
        debug: true,
        entry: './' + config.guiCompiledPath + 'app.js',
        output: {
            filename: "gui.js",
            path: './' + config.pubPath + 'js'
        devtool: "#inline-source-map",
        plugins: [
            new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
                compress: {
                    warnings: false
                output: {
                    comments: false,
                    semicolons: true
                sourceMap: true
        module: {
            loaders: [ {
                test: /\.css$/,
                loader: 'style-loader!css-loader?modules'

    }, function (err, stats) {
        if (stats.compilation.errors.length > 0) {

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

Edit: I just found this: https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/2709 but I dont quite understand it. 编辑:我刚刚发现这个: https//github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/2709但我不太明白。 Does it mean I have to declare my CSS as a module? 这是否意味着我必须将我的CSS声明为模块?

typescript cannot load or understand css files, but it will work with webpack. typescript无法加载或理解css文件,但它可以与webpack一起使用。 To tell TypeScript that there are files with an ending other than *.ts you have to declare a wildcard module for the according file type. 要告诉TypeScript有些文件的结尾不是* .ts,您必须为相应的文件类型声明通配符模块。 Just put it in a *.d.ts file which you include in the project. 只需将其放在项目中包含的* .d.ts文件中即可。

// declaration.d.ts
declare module '*.css' {
    const content: any;
    export default content;

To load non-ts resources just declare the require function and use the imported resources (as any ). 要加载非ts资源,只需声明require函数并使用导入的资源(如果any )。

Documentation : https://github.com/TypeStrong/ts-loader#code-splitting-and-loading-other-resources 文档: https//github.com/TypeStrong/ts-loader#code-splitting-and-loading-other-resources

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