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[英]Load Angularjs controllers in ngView

I'm new to Angular and just started to build a test project to learn it, now have a problem with loading controllers OnDemand . 我是Angular的新手,刚开始构建一个测试项目来学习它,现在在加载控制器OnDemand时遇到了问题。 let's code a bit, I have the following HTML: 让我们编写一些代码,我有以下HTML:

index.html index.html

    <div ng-app="MyApp">
        <a href="/child"> CLICK ME </a>
        <div ng-view></div>
            .config(function($routeProvider) {
                $routeProvider.when('/child', {
                    templateUrl: 'somwhere/child.html',
                    controller: 'childCtrl' <!-- will remove -->
            }) <!-- will remove contoller defination below -->
            .controller('childCtrl', function($scope) {
                $scope.data = DoHeavyCalc();

what is obvious to me is that I should define my controller exactly where I config my module (MyApp) , which doing this depends on DoHeavyCalc() which is not needed right now! 对我来说显而易见的是,我应该在配置module (MyApp)的确切位置定义controller ,这取决于DoHeavyCalc() ,该功能现在不需要! (think this method does a big calculation, but it should be run only when the user clicks on the link, not at the beginning of the app). (认为​​此方法需要进行大量计算,但是仅当用户单击链接时才应运行,而不是在应用程序的开头)。

Now I want to load the and define the controller inside child.html instead of my index.html . 现在,我要加载并在child.html而不是index.html定义控制器。 OK, so I removed the sections marked in above code and tried to write the child.html like this: 好的,因此我删除了上面代码中标记的部分,并尝试这样编写child.html

child.html child.html

<div ng-controller="childCtrl">
        .controller('childCtrl', function($scope) {
            $scope.data = DoHeavyCalc();

but is causes an error: [ng:areg] `childCtrl` is not a function. got undefined. 但是会导致错误: [ng:areg] `childCtrl` is not a function. got undefined. [ng:areg] `childCtrl` is not a function. got undefined.

also i tried to put script tag in child.html before the div tag, but it didn't affect anything. 我也尝试将script标签放在div标签之前的child.html ,但没有任何影响。

Now my question is, how can i define and load the controller OnDemand and do my heavy work just when the user routes to a certain location not at the beginning of app? 现在我的问题是,当用户路由到某个位置而不是在应用程序的开头时,如何定义和加载OnDemand controller并完成繁重的工作?

You are asking about lazy loading ! 您正在询问延迟加载! By default angular doesn't support lazy loading, what you can do ? 默认情况下,angular不支持延迟加载,该怎么办? you can use any third party library like requirejs or others. 您可以使用任何第三方库,例如requirejs或其他。

Currently angularjs doesn't execute any javascript inside templateUrl or template , more details 目前angularjs不会在templateUrltemplate内部执行任何JavaScript, 更多详细信息

Here is a working example of lazy loading using requirejs. 这是一个使用requirejs进行延迟加载的工作示例。

Also there is some discussion regarding onDemand script loading Lazy loading angularjs 也有一些关于onDemand脚本加载延迟加载angularjs的讨论

In the child.html page do not include ng-controller attribute. 在child.html页面中,请勿包含ng-controller属性。 Already child.html is associated with the childCtrl controller. child.html已经与childCtrl控制器关联。 Just remove the attribute ng-controller from the child.html page 只需从child.html页面中删除ng-controller属性

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