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laravel 5-雄辩的关系

[英]laravel 5 - Eloquent relations

I have a table a migration called plates . 我有一张桌子, 叫板


And a model called Plates 还有一个叫Plates的模型

 public function supplier()
    return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Suppliers','supplier_id');

And a model Suppliers model 供应商模型

 public function plates()
            return $this->hasOne('App\Models\Plates');

when I check the relations with in the route doing this kind of thing. 当我检查与路线做这种事情的关系时。

 $storage = Suppliers::find(1);
   $att = $storage->plates;


it just does not work. 它只是不起作用。 But the other way around works just fine. 但是反过来工作也很好。 I am not sure what I am doing wrong. 我不确定自己在做什么错。 I have checked the docs and did countless other tries, but I can't understand it anymore. 我已经检查了文档并进行了无数次其他尝试,但是我再也听不懂了。

Here is the error which keeps poping up. 这是不断弹出的错误

You must add the parameter in the plates function at Supplier Model, you created the model in plural, Suppliers, so it tries to find a key suppliers_id 您必须在“供应商模型”的plates函数中添加参数,并以复数形式创建“供应商”模型,以便其尝试查找关键的Suppliers_id

  public function plates()
      return $this->hasOne('App\Models\Plates', 'supplier_id');

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