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[英]Combine tables and sql from 2 reports without the use of subreports

Is there a way that I can take two reports, each with seperate SQL and Queries, and combine them onto a single report without tampering with their sql or queries? 有没有一种方法可以获取两个报表,每个报表分别具有单独的SQL和查询,并将它们合并到一个报表中,而不会破坏其sql或查询?

I am currently trying to 'make a report' by using information from 2 all ready established and made reports. 我目前正在尝试通过使用2个已准备好的已完成和已制作的报告中的信息来“制作报告”。 The two reports are an InventoryAllocationWorkOrder report and an InventoryAllocationSalesOrder report. 这两个报告是InventoryAllocationWorkOrder报告和InventoryAllocationSalesOrder报告。 I've started by simply making a copy and editing the WorkOrder report (which ive done and actually looks nice) but now im at teh part where i need the information from the other report (SalesOrder). 我首先简单地制作了一个副本并编辑了WorkOrder报告(该命令已经完成并且实际上看起来很不错),但是现在我需要部分来自其他报告(SalesOrder)的信息。

I am new to SQL and iReport but I dont believe what I am trying to do is as hard as im making it. 我是SQL和iReport的新手,但我不相信我要尝试的工作与im一样难。 I do know about subreports but I am simply asking if there is another way to combine the two on one report without a master report. 我确实知道子报表,但是我只是问是否有另一种方法可以在没有主报表的情况下将两者合并到一个报表中。

Thank you for helping me learn! 感谢您帮助我学习!

I did attempt to add photos to this post but am unable to without 10 reputation. 我确实尝试过将照片添加到该帖子中,但没有10个声誉就无法做到。 I will do my best to answer questions though! 我会尽力回答问题!

Fast Solution...See the Sub Report feature of Crystal, Active Reports or SSRS. 快速解决方案...请参阅Crystal,活动报告或SSRS的“子报告”功能。

They all have a "sub report" type features that let you embed an existing report into a "Parent" report. 它们都具有“子报表”类型的功能,可让您将现有报表嵌入到“父”报表中。

Crystal SubReports 水晶子报表

Better solution, create a new report and re-work your queries. 更好的解决方案,创建一个新报告并重新处理您的查询。 Depending on the complexity of the reports. 取决于报告的复杂性。

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