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[英]PHP compare strings with hyphen

I need to compare 2 strings without replacing anything. 我需要比较2个字符串而不替换任何东西。

$str1 = 'short-eared owl';
$str2 = 'short-eared owl';

if (strcmp($str1, $str2)===0) { do this and that …}

The problem here is the hyphen. 这里的问题是连字符。 Even both strings are equal, strcmp() does not result in 0 (equal). 即使两个字符串都相等,strcmp()也不等于0(等于)。 Why ? 为什么呢

How to compare those strings correct ? 如何比较那些字符串正确?


Here is the essential piece of code 这是必不可少的代码


    if (($handle = fopen($csvFile, "r")) !== FALSE) {
        $dataArray = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ";"); 
        while (($dataArray = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ";")) !== FALSE) {
            for ($i=0; $i < 4 ; $i++) {
                if (strcmp($cat,$dataArray[$i])===0 ) {
                // do this and that

What I do is comparing $_GET var which is a string like 'short-eared owl' against columns of a cvs file. 我所做的是将$ _GET var与cvs文件的列进行比较,该字符串是“短耳猫头鹰”之类的字符串。 If I found 'short-eared owl' in that file I return. 如果在该文件中找到“短头猫头鹰”,我将返回。 But strcmp() does not work here because of the hyphen. 但是由于连字符,strcmp()在这里不起作用。 If I delete the hypen manually for testing purposes strcmp() matches. 如果出于测试目的手动删除了hypen,则strcmp()匹配。


When evaluating the strcmp() function at php site here there is an "Anonymous" User Contribute Note talking about collation . 在php站点上评估strcmp()函数时, 这里有一个“匿名”用户贡献注释,它涉及collation He writes : 他写 :

In summary, strcmp() does not necessarily use the ASCII code order of each character like in the 'C' locale, but instead parse each string to match language-specific character entities (such as 'ch' in Spanish, or 'dz' in Czech), whose collation order is then compared. 总之,strcmp()不一定像“ C”语言环境那样使用每个字符的ASCII码顺序,而是解析每个字符串以匹配特定于语言的字符实体(例如西班牙语的“ ch”或“ dz” (捷克文),然后比较其排序顺序。 When both character entities have the same collation order (such as 'ss' and ' ' in German), they are compared relative to their code by strcmp(), or considered equal by strcasecmp(). 当两个字符实体具有相同的排序规则顺序(例如德语中的“ ss”和“ ...”)时,它们将通过strcmp()相对于其代码进行比较,或者被strcasecmp()视为相等。

If this is the problem with the hyphen char how to solve it ? 如果这是连字符问题,该如何解决?

the code you wrote works fine i checked it myself like 您编写的代码很好用,我自己检查了一下

$str1 = 'short-eared owl';
$str2 = 'short-eared owl';

if (strcmp($str1, $str2)===0) { 
    echo "success";

} else{
    echo 'fail';

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