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[英]Pass an int array in pthread function in C

I'm coding a multithreaded program for exercise. 我正在为运动编写多线程程序。 Given an array (100 positions) of random numbers, I have to divide it by 5 arrays and give them to 5 pthreads in order to find the maximum and return these values to the main function that find the maximum between them. 给定一个随机数数组(100个位置),我必须将其除以5个数组,并给它们分配5个pthread,以便找到最大值并将这些值返回给在它们之间找到最大值的主函数。 These is my code so far: 到目前为止,这是我的代码:

#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>

#define NUM_THREADS 5
#define DIM_VETTORE 100

void *Calcola_max(void* args){


int main(){
    int vettore[DIM_VETTORE];
    int t;
    int i;

/*riempio il vettore con numeri random*/
        for (i=0; i<DIM_VETTORE; i++){
        vettore[i]=rand() % 500 + 1;
        printf("Numero in posizione %d: %d\n", i,vettore[i]);

/*indico le dimensioni di ogni array splittato*/
    int dimensione_split=DIM_VETTORE/NUM_THREADS;
    printf("Dimensione degli array splittati: %d\n", dimensione_split);

/*creo tutti i thread*/
        pthread_t thread[NUM_THREADS];
        for (t=0;t<NUM_THREADS; t++){
        printf("Main: creazione thread %d\n", t);
        int rc;

            rc=pthread_create(&thread[t], NULL, Calcola_max, &vettore);

                if (rc) {
                printf("ERRORE: %d\n", rc);

My question are: how can I split the array? 我的问题是:如何分割阵列? And how can I pass each array to each pthread? 以及如何将每个数组传递给每个pthread? Thanks in advance 提前致谢

So, I've edited my code but this time it gives me segmentation fault after the pthread creation. 因此,我已经编辑了代码,但这一次在创建pthread之后给了我分段错误。 IMO I'm wrong to pass the argument of thread function in this way: IMO我以这种方式传递线程函数的参数是错误的:

pthread_create(&thread[t], NULL, Calcola_max, (void *)&start[i]);

void *Calcola_max(void *a){
s = *(int *)a;

Here is my entire code: 这是我的整个代码:

#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>

#define NUM_THREADS 5
#define DIM_VETTORE 100
int vettore[DIM_VETTORE];
int    start[100];
int max[100];       //vettore dove vanno tutti i minimi calcolati dai pthread

void *Calcola_max(void *a){
    int array;
    int s, i;
    int start, stop;
    int massimo;

    s = *(int *)a;
    start = s * n;

    if ( s != (NUM_THREADS-1) )
      stop = start + n;
      stop = DIM_VETTORE;

    for (i = start+1; i < stop; i++ )

      if ( vettore[i] > massimo )
         massimo = vettore[i];

   max[s] = massimo;

    //array = (int) a;

    int k;
    int max=0;  
        for (k=0; k<DIM_VETTORE; k++){      //qui devo mettere il range corrente del vettore, o mettere uno split di vettore
        printf("Massimo corrente: %d\n",max);
            if (vettore[k]>max) max=vettore[k];     

//return(NULL);     /* Thread exits (dies) */   

int main(){
    //int vettore[DIM_VETTORE];
    int massimo;       //vettore dei minimi finale in cui opero confronto e calcolo il minimo
    int t;
    int i, j;

/*riempio il vettore con numeri random*/
        for (i=0; i<DIM_VETTORE; i++){
        //int num;          //contenitore numero random
        vettore[i]=rand() % 500 + 1;
        //printf("Numero in posizione %d: %d\n", i,vettore[i]);

/*indico le dimensioni di ogni array splittato*/
    int dimensione_split=DIM_VETTORE/NUM_THREADS;
    printf("Dimensione degli array splittati: %d\n", dimensione_split);

/*creo tutti i thread*/
        pthread_t thread[NUM_THREADS];
        for (t=0;t<NUM_THREADS; t++){
        start[i] = i;
        printf("Main: creazione thread %d\n", t);
        int rc;
        //int pos_vettore;
            //for (pos_vettore=0; pos_vettore<100; pos_vettore+20){
            rc=pthread_create(&thread[t], NULL, Calcola_max, (void *)&start[i]);

                if (rc) {
                printf("ERRORE: %d\n", rc);
        /*joino i threads*/
        for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++)
      pthread_join(thread[i], NULL);

    massimo= max[0];
        for (i = 1; i < NUM_THREADS; i++)
                if ( max[i] > massimo )
            massimo = max[i];

    printf("Il massimo è: %d\n", massimo);


Your pthreads can access the array in your main program easily. 您的pthread可以轻松访问主程序中的数组。 You won't need to split the array for that. 您无需为此拆分数组。 Just make sure that the pthreads are modifiying different parts of the main array. 只要确保pthread正在修改主数组的不同部分即可。 Use a struct or typedef to pass the relevant information to the pthread functions. 使用structtypedef将相关信息传递给pthread函数。

As mentioned, you don't split or copy the array. 如前所述,您不拆分或复制阵列。

Threads share the same regions of memory as the process that creates them, so you could just pass around the array. 线程与创建它们的进程共享相同的内存区域,因此您可以在数组中四处传递。

If the aim of the game is to find some perf gain from using threads, then you almost certainly don't want to use heap allocated memory. 如果游戏的目的是从使用线程中获得一些性能提升,那么您几乎可以肯定不想使用堆分配的内存。

It's got to be said that there are probably better ways, I would probably look to SIMD or some other SSE extension before threads, but whatever ... 不得不说,也许有更好的方法,我可能会在线程之前使用SIMD或其他SSE扩展,但是无论如何...

The following example , which has had about 5 minutes thought, and requires better error checking, and verification of the logic (because it's 9am on Sunday), demonstrates how I think the most efficient way to thread the calculations might be. 下面的示例经过了大约5分钟的思考,并且需要更好的错误检查和逻辑验证(因为它是星期日的上午9点),该示例演示了我认为最有效的线程计算方法可能是。

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>

#define THREADS 5
#define DATA 100

typedef struct _pthread_arg_t {
    pthread_t thread;
    int *data;
    unsigned int end;
    int max;
} pthread_arg_t;

void* pthread_routine(void *arg) {
    pthread_arg_t *info = (pthread_arg_t*) arg;
    int *it = info->data,
        *end = info->data + info->end;

    while (it < end) {
        if (*it > info->max) {
            info->max = *it;


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    pthread_arg_t threads[THREADS];
    int data[DATA],
        thread = 0,
        limit = 0,
        result = 0;

    memset(&threads, 0, sizeof(pthread_arg_t) * THREADS);   
    memset(&data, 0, sizeof(int) * DATA);

    while (limit < DATA) {
        /* you can replace this with randomm number */
        data[limit] = limit;

    limit = DATA/THREADS;

    while (thread < THREADS) {
        threads[thread].data = &data[thread * limit];
        threads[thread].end = limit;
        if (pthread_create(&threads[thread].thread, NULL, pthread_routine, &threads[thread]) != 0) {
            /* do something */
            return 1;

    thread = 0;
    while (thread < THREADS) {
        if (pthread_join(threads[thread].thread, NULL) != 0) {
            /* do something */
            return 1;

    thread = 0;
    result = threads[0].max;
    while (thread < THREADS) {
        printf("\t%d - %d: %d\n",
            thread * limit,
            thread * limit + limit - 1,
        if (threads[thread].max > result) {
            result = threads[thread].max;
    printf("max\t%d\n", result);

    return 0;

Notice that this is lock and malloc free, you could probably reduce instructions further with more fiddling ... 请注意,这是无锁且无malloc的,您可以通过更多摆弄进一步减少指令的数量。

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