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[英]Formatting text inside a textarea using php code

I have 2 textareas. 我有2个textareas。 In the first textarea the user adds text which i need to modify. 在第一个文本区域中,用户添加我需要修改的文本。 In the 2nd textarea the amended text is displayed. 在第二个文本区域中显示修改后的文本。

Text that I need to modify has the following format: 我需要修改的文本具有以下格式:


I want to put text on the same line. 我想在同一行上输入文字。 Between the 2nd and 3rd line I want "-" to appear, like this: 我希望在第二行和第三行之间出现“-”,如下所示:

23.10.15 Text1 - Text2

My code looks like this: 我的代码如下所示:

if(isset($_POST["submit"])) {
 $text = $_POST["text-modify"];
 $text = str_replace('', '', $text);

<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="">

<input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Submit" />

<textarea name="text-modify" id="text-modify" cols="75" rows="7000">

<textarea name="text-final" id="text-final" cols="75" rows="7000">
<?php echo $text; ?>

Thank you in advance. 先感谢您。

Explode the text on newlines, pop off the last item, implode with spaces, append the dash and the last piece: 在换行符上展开文本,弹出最后一项,内插空格,并在横线和最后一段附加:

$pieces = explode("\n", $text);
$last = array_pop($pieces);
$text = implode(" ", $pieces) . " - " . $last;

Even better could be: 更好的可能是:

$text = call_user_func_array('sprintf', array_merge(["%s %s - %s"], explode("\n", $text)); 

You can put your php in the html to make it simpler like such : 您可以将您的php放入html中,使其变得更简单,例如:

<textarea name="text-modify" id="text-modify" cols="75" rows="7000"><?php $yourVar ?></textarea>

or embed with a string 或嵌入一个字符串

<textarea name="text-modify" id="text-modify" cols="75" rows="7000"><?php echo "Hi I am ". $nameVar ." How are you ? "</textarea>

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