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[英]startActivity() doesn't start activity

I have a class called ShowBoardList where I check if user has logged in. If user hasn't logged in, then I want to return to the MainActivity which provides the user with buttons to login into different services. 我有一个名为ShowBoardList的类,在其中检查用户是否已登录。如果用户尚未登录,那么我想返回MainActivity ,它为用户提供了用于登录不同服务的按钮。

My AndroidManifests.xml looks like this: 我的AndroidManifests.xml如下所示:

   <activity android:name="im.chaitanya.TaskTimer.MainActivity" >
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
    <activity android:name="im.chaitanya.TaskTimer.WebViewActivity" >
    <activity android:name="im.chaitanya.TaskTimer.ShowBoardList"
        android:label="Your Tasks">

ShowBoardList.java looks like this: ShowBoardList.java看起来像这样:

Intent mainActivityIntent = new Intent(ShowBoardList.this, im.chaitanya.TaskTimer.MainActivity.class);
Intent intent = getIntent();
String url = intent.getStringExtra(WebViewActivity.EXTRA_MESSAGE); //url can be null here
Keys keys = new Keys(); //this gets an API key

SharedPreferences settings = getSharedPreferences("mySettings", 0);
String savedToken = settings.getString("token", "Empty");

if (MyUtils.equalsWithNulls(url,"tasktimer://oauthresponse#token=")) {
    Log.d("From ME:", "I've reached inside url check");
    mainActivityIntent.putExtra(caller, "ShowBoardList");
    //caller is a String. I'm storing the name of the current activity (ShowBoardList) in it. 
    //So that the main activity (which I'm trying to call) will know where the call came from.

if(savedToken.equals("Empty") || savedToken.equals("")) {
    String searchString = "#token=";
    int tokenIndex = url.indexOf(searchString) + searchString.length(); //Since url can be null there can be an error here
    String token = url.substring(tokenIndex);
    savedToken = token;
    SharedPreferences.Editor editor = settings.edit();
    editor.putString("token", token);

Condtion equalsWithNulls checks if url is null OR equal to the string in the argument. 条件equalsWithNulls检查url是否为null或等于参数中的字符串。 I have log statements there to check whether control reaches inside the if statement. 我在那里有日志语句,以检查控件是否到达if语句内部。 The main activity however doesn't start. 但是,主要活动并未开始。

Edit: onCreate() of MainActivity.java looks like this: 编辑: MainActivity.java的 onCreate()看起来像这样:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    SharedPreferences settings = getSharedPreferences("mySettings", 0);
    String token = settings.getString("token", "Empty");
    Intent intent = new Intent(this, ShowBoardList.class);

    if(token != "Empty") {

    intent = getIntent();
    String callerActivity = intent.getStringExtra(ShowBoardList.caller);
    View coordinatorLayoutView = findViewById(R.id.snackbarPosition);

    if (callerActivity!=null && callerActivity == "ShowBoardList") {
                .make(coordinatorLayoutView, "Permission Denied", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG)

Try to define your new Intent wherever you required. 尝试在任何需要的地方定义新的Intent。

Intent newIntent = new Intent(ShowBoardList.this, im.chaitanya.TaskTimer.MainActivity.class);
newIntent .putExtra(caller, "ShowBoardList");

startActivity(newIntent );

My solution is based on Sourabh's comment on the question. 我的解决方案基于Sourabh对问题的评论。 I realised from my logs that the activity was indeed being started. 我从日志中意识到该活动确实已经开始。

What I didn't realise was that when startActivity() is called, the calling activity (in this case ShowBoardList ) is paused and when ShowBoardList was being called again, it would resume from after startActivity() . 我没有意识到的是,当调用startActivity()时,调用活动(在本例中为ShowBoardList )被暂停,而在再次调用ShowBoardList时,它将从startActivity()之后恢复。

Therefore the solution here was to call finish() and then return immediately after the startActivity() which ensures that onCreate is called the next time. 因此,这里的解决方案是调用finish() ,然后在startActivity()之后立即return ,以确保下次调用onCreate。 I hope that makes sense if anyone is in the same situation. 如果有人处于相同的情况,我希望这是有道理的。

These questions helped me understand more about finish() : 这些问题帮助我进一步了解了finish()

about finish() in android 关于android中的finish()

onCreate flow continues after finish() finish()之后,onCreate流继续

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