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[英]TypeScript Async/Await

Good morning! 早上好!

I have the following Angular/TypeScript service, but the query portion of the function happens asynchronously so the return statement is executed before the data is retrieved from the server. 我具有以下Angular / TypeScript服务,但是函数的查询部分是异步发生的,因此在从服务器检索数据之前将执行return语句。 Is there a way to add async/await to this function so it waits for the data to be assigned to the Users variable before executing the return statement? 有没有一种方法可以向此函数添加异步/等待,以便在执行return语句之前等待数据分配给Users变量?

    interface IUserService {
        getAll(): entities.IUser[];

    export class UserService implements IUserService {
        static $inject: string[] = ['dataAccessService'];
        constructor(private dataAccessService: dataAccess.DataAccessService<entities.IUser>) {


        getAll(): app.domain.entities.IUser[] {
            var users: app.domain.entities.IUser[];
            var userResource = this.dataAccessService.getDataResource('https://api.github.com/users');
            userResource.query((data: app.domain.entities.IUser[]) => {
                users = data;

            return users;


With $resource, you can actually set the resource values directly to a variable rather than setting the variable in the callback method. 使用$ resource,您实际上可以直接将资源值设置为变量,而不是在回调方法中设置变量。

interface IUserService {
    getAll(): ng.resource.IResourceArray<ng.resource.IResource<IUser>>;

export class UserService implements IUserService {
    static $inject: string[] = ['dataAccessService'];
    constructor(private dataAccessService: dataAccess.DataAccessService<entities.IUser>) {
        var userResource = this.dataAccessService.getDataResource('https://api.github.com/users');

    getAll(): ng.resource.IResourceArray<ng.resource.IResource<IUser>> {
        return userResource.query();


Then in my controller I can set the values directly to my variable to render in my view. 然后,在我的控制器中,我可以直接将值设置为变量以在我的视图中呈现。

class UserController {
    user: ng.resource.IResourceArray<ng.resource.IResource<IUser>>;

    static $inject: string[] = ['UserService'];
    contructor(private userService: IUserService) {


    this.users = this.userService.GetAll();

angular.module('app').controller('UserController', UserController);

This will give me access to my user properties as well as some additional properties like the original promise so I can add additional functionality if I would like to. 这将使我能够访问我的用户属性以及一些其他属性,例如原始的Promise,因此我可以根据需要添加其他功能。

Hope that helps anyone with a similar issue. 希望对任何有类似问题的人有所帮助。

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