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AJAX 附加而不是使用 .HTML 进行聊天

[英]AJAX Appending instead of using .HTML for my chat

So basically, my chat right now works like this:所以基本上,我现在的聊天是这样工作的:

  • Every 2nd second it checks for my PHP file, loadchat.php.它每隔 2 秒检查一次我的 PHP 文件 loadchat.php。
  • Loadchat.php will get every row that is newer than their session. Loadchat.php 将获取比会话更新的每一行。
  • It then replaces all current data in my div: #chatbox by using .html() function.然后它使用 .html() 函数替换我 div 中的所有当前数据:#chatbox。

Now here is the deal.现在是交易。 This seems very resource heavy, to load all the rows again and again and again.这似乎非常耗费资源,一次又一次地加载所有行。 I know there is a way to optimize this, by using .append() function.我知道有一种方法可以通过使用 .append() 函数来优化它。

All though, I can't seem to wrap my head around it.尽管如此,我似乎无法绕过它。

I need to make some kind of a counter, or a timestamp when the last message was loaded to check if there is newer content (rows) than since last time it loaded, if there is, append that new content.我需要在加载最后一条消息时制作某种计数器或时间戳,以检查是否存在比上次加载后更新的内容(行),如果有,则附加该新内容。

If I replace the .html function with .append, I will just keep getting the same messages over and over again, as right now.如果我用 .append 替换 .html 函数,我将一遍又一遍地收到相同的消息,就像现在一样。

How would I go about making this?我该怎么做呢?

Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

//AJAX Timeout Loop Load Chat Function:
function loadChat() {
    method: 'POST',
    url: 'ajax/load_chat.php',
    success: function(data) {
      //console.log($('#chatbox')[0].scrollHeight - $('#chatbox').innerHeight());
      if(atBottom) {
        $("#chatbox").stop().animate({ scrollTop: $('#chatbox')[0].scrollHeight}, 500);


<script type="text/javascript">var imAdmin = true</script>
<div data-chat-sid="76561198216640736" data-chat-msid="76561198216640736" data-chat-sun="deinhoin" class="chat-box__content--single chat-box--mychat">
  <div class="chat-box__content__single--avatar">
     <div class="admin" style="background-image:url(https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/83/83b9e88c1f88451dcc97d2537416bbd413247ad6_full.jpg);"><span>Mod</span></div>
  <div class="chat-box__content__single--title">deinhoin</div>
  <div class="chat-box__content__single--message">adada</div>

It should only send the var imAdmin variable once.它应该只发送一次 var imAdmin 变量。 (works with .html()). (适用于 .html())。

Try using .slice()尝试使用.slice()

 // `section` : container for chat message elements var html = $("section div"); // `data` : `html` returned from server var data = "<div>1</div><div>2</div><div>3</div>"; // if `data` `.length` greater than existing `section` `div` `.length`, if ($(data).length > $(html).length) { // `.slice()` elements greater than existing `section div` length var newdata = $(data).slice($(html).length); // append new elements to `section div` $("section").append(newdata); }
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <section> <div>1</div><div>2</div> </section>

Try making use of the 'data' attribute.尝试使用“数据”属性。 You could have something like 'data-timestamp' on each chat item and use that to work out what was placed when.您可以在每个聊天项目上使用“数据时间戳”之类的内容,并使用它来计算放置时间。

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