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[英]How to access different types of classes in a single object array in C#

I have an object array that is supposed to hold objects of different classes. 我有一个对象数组,应该保存不同类的对象。 I need to write down the attributes of those classes but don't know how to access them. 我需要写下这些类的属性,但不知道如何访问它们。

For example: 例如:

object[] NationalTeam;

possibly holding: 可能持有:

class Swimmer
class Runner

etc. 等等

with different attributes. 具有不同的属性。 Can't access them with NationalTeam[i] . 无法使用NationalTeam[i]访问它们。 Can it be done with overloading [] indexer? 可以使用重载[]索引器吗? If yes, how? 如果是,怎么办?

You will have to either: 您将必须:

  1. Cast them: 投放他们:

     object teamMember = NationalTeam[0]; if (teamMember is Swimmer) { Swimmer swimmerTeamMember = (Swimmer)teamMember; // Work with swimmer } // ... and so on 
  2. Add and implement an interface or base class such as ITeamMember or TeamMember . 添加并实现接口或基类,例如ITeamMemberTeamMember

     interface ITeamMember { /* common properties */ } class Swimmer : ITeamMember { /* ... */ } ITeamMember[] NationalTeam; 
  3. Or use a combination of both. 或同时使用两者。

Eric Lippert (one of the designers of C#) has a fantastic walk through to explain a very similar problem. 埃里克·利珀特(C#的设计师之一)有一个很棒的演练来解释一个非常相似的问题。 I suggest that you read it. 我建议您阅读。 http://ericlippert.com/2015/04/27/wizards-and-warriors-part-one/ http://ericlippert.com/2015/04/27/wizards-and-warriors-part-one/

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