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如何在C ++中更改颜色?

[英]How can i change colors in c++?

So i searched for it and i found many answers. 所以我搜索了它,发现了很多答案。 I found that in c++ there's no standard cross-platform way to do that and that the operative system manages colors. 我发现在c ++中没有标准的跨平台方法可以做到这一点,并且操作系统可以管理颜色。 For example i found that on windows you can use the system("color 1") statement to change color to the text ( or foreground) and the system("color A") to change color to the background, or both system("color 1A") to change both. 例如,我发现在Windows上,您可以使用system(“ color 1”)语句将颜色更改为文本(或前景),使用system(“ color A”)更改颜色为背景,或者使用system(“颜色1A“)同时更改两者。 But this will change the whole colors, and i was wondering if there was a way to change it like even for a single character. 但这会改变整个颜色,我想知道是否有办法像单个字符一样更改它。 Like take the program that i just did as an example: 就像我刚才做的程序一样:

using namespace std;  /* I prefer to use this because i think that's a huge time saver and it's also easier*/

void printRoad(int i)  /* That's my function, so by this function it prints a number of times choosed by the user 4 pieces of road*/
    int counter=1;
    while (counter <= i)
        system("color 2");           /*Here is what i was talking about. I used the system("color 2") statement to change the text color
                                     from the default to green, but it changes the whole text.*/
        cout << "** | **" << endl;
        cout << "** | **" << endl;
        cout << "** | **" << endl;
        cout << "** | **" << endl;
void main()  /*I don't need any specific return value from either the main() and the function so i thought it was a good idea to
             just use void.*/
    cout << "How many piece of roads do you want to build?" << endl;  /*Here it asks to the user what to do.*/
    int pieces = 0;
    cin >> pieces;
    printRoad(pieces);   //Here is the function call.

    system("pause");     /* Because i'm using windows and i'm using Visual Studio Express 2013 I used system("pause") to pause 
                         the program and let the user see the output.*/

So what if, for example, i'd like to change each piece of road color? 那么,例如,如果我想更改每条道路颜色怎么办? Like the first cout<<"** | **"< 像第一个cout <<“ ** | **” <

I also read many people complaining about the use of system("") statements. 我还读过很多人抱怨使用system(“”)语句。 I understand it because by doing so your program lose the cross-platform ability. 我理解它是因为这样做会使您的程序失去跨平台功能。 But if the thing is dependent on the system we're on, how should we do it by keeping the cross-platform ability? 但是,如果事情取决于我们所使用的系统,那么如何通过保持跨平台能力来做到这一点呢? Thanks for any answer. 感谢您的回答。

Actually you can use this instead of calling system() : 实际上,您可以使用此方法代替调用system()

SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), ValueOfColour); SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),ValueOfColour);

As far as I understood your problem, you only want a certain character to be in your choosen colour. 据我了解您的问题,您只希望某个字符采用您选择的颜色。 Then you need to change it back to the default value white/grey after this character was printed. 然后,在打印此字符后,需要将其更改回默认值白色/灰色。

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