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[英]Radial Tree layout algorithm

I have implemented a tree data structure in which every node holds (recursivly) a list of pointers to it's children. 我已经实现了一个树数据结构,其中每个节点都保存(recursivly)一个指向它的子节点的指针列表。

I am trying to calculate the (x,y) coordinates for visualizing the tree. 我正在尝试计算用于可视化树的(x,y)坐标。 I went through this article: 我浏览了这篇文章:

http://gbook.org/projects/RadialTreeGraph.pdf http://gbook.org/projects/RadialTreeGraph.pdf

Cut I can't figure out how to gest past the first level, ie This is what I have written so far: 剪切我无法弄清楚如何超越第一级,即这是我到目前为止所写的:

for (int i = 0; i < GetDepth()+1; i++)
    if (i == 0)

    double dNodesInDepth = GetNodesInDepth(i).size();
    double dAngleSpace = 2 * PI / dNodesInDepth;

    for (int j = 0; j < dNodesInDepth; j++)
        Node * pCurrentNode = GetNodesInDepth(i).at(j);

        pCurrentNode->SetXRadial((SPACING * i) * qCos(j * dAngleSpace) + MIDDLE(m_nWidth));
        pCurrentNode->SetYRadial((SPACING * i) * qSin(j * dAngleSpace) + MIDDLE(m_nHeight));
        pCurrentNode->m_dAngle = dAngleSpace * j;

        if (pCurrentNode->IsParent())
         //..(I'm stuck here)..//  

I am not sure how to calculate the limits, bisectors etc. this is what my drawer did so far: 我不知道如何计算限制,平分等。这是我的抽屉到目前为止所做的:


which is obviously not what i'm looking for since the second (0 based) level. 从第二个(0基础)水平以来,这显然不是我正在寻找的。

I have access to every info that I need in order to obtain what I'm looking for. 我可以访问我需要的所有信息,以获得我正在寻找的东西。

Probably by now you figured it out yourself. 可能现在你自己想出来了。 If not, here 如果没有,在这里

double dNodesInDepth = GetNodesInDepth(i).size();
double dAngleSpace = 2 * PI / dNodesInDepth;

you're setting the angle space to PI (180 degreees) at your second level, as there are only two nodes at that level, dNodesInDepth = 2 . 你在第二级将角度空间设置为PI(180度),因为在该级别只有两个节点, dNodesInDepth = 2 That's why after drawing the node 20, the node 30 is 180 degrees away. 这就是为什么在绘制节点20之后,节点30离开180度。 That method would be fine for very dense trees because that angle will be small. 对于非常密集的树木,这种方法很好,因为这个角度很小。 But in your case you want to keep the angle as close as possible to the angle of the parent. 但在您的情况下,您希望保持角度尽可能接近父级的角度。 So I suggest you get the angle of the parent for nodes at level 2 and higher, and spread the children so they have an angle space of sibilingAngle = min(dAngleSpace, PI/10) . 因此,我建议您获得2级及更高级别节点的父级角度,并扩展子级,使它们的角度空间为sibilingAngle = min(dAngleSpace, PI/10) So the first child will have the exact angle of the parent, and the remaining children are sibilingAngle away from one another. 因此,第一个孩子将具有父母的确切角度,而剩下的孩子则与他人相互sibilingAngle You get the idea and probably come with a better method. 你明白了,可能会有更好的方法。 I'm using min in case you have got too many nodes at that level you want to squeeze the nodes closer to each other. 我正在使用min ,以防你在那个级别有太多节点,你想挤压节点彼此更近。

The article you've linked to, uses a solution that is illustrated in Figure 2 – Tangent and bisector limits for directories . 您链接到的文章使用的解决方案Figure 2 – Tangent and bisector limits for directories I don't like that method much because if you determine the absolute angle of the children rather than relative to the parent you can have a simpler/cleaner solution that does exactly what that method tries to do with so many operations. 我不太喜欢这种方法,因为如果你确定孩子的绝对角度而不是相对于父亲的角度,你可以有一个更简单/更清晰的解决方案,它完全符合该方法试图对这么多操作做的事情。

Update: 更新:

The following code produces this image: 以下代码生成此图像:


I think you can easily figure out how to center the child nodes and etc. 我想你可以很容易地弄清楚如何将子节点等中心化。

#include <cairo/cairo.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

class Node {
    Node() {
        parent = 0;
        angle = 0;
        angleRange = 2*M_PI;
        depth = 0;
    void addChildren(int n) {
        for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
            Node* c = new Node;
            c->parent = this;
            c->depth = depth+1;
    vector<Node*> children;
    float angle;
    float angleRange;
    Node* parent;
    int depth;
    int x, y;

void rotate(float x, float y, float angle, float& nx, float& ny) {
    nx = x * cos(angle) - y * sin(angle);
    ny = x * sin(angle) + y * cos(angle);
void draw(Node* root, cairo_t *cr) {
    if (root->parent == 0) {
        root->x = root->y = 300;
        cairo_arc(cr, root->x, root->y, 3, 0, 2 * M_PI);

    int n = root->children.size();
    for (int i=0; i<root->children.size(); i++) {
        root->children[i]->angle = root->angle + root->angleRange/n * i;
        root->children[i]->angleRange = root->angleRange/n;

        float x, y;
        rotate(40 * root->children[i]->depth, 0, root->children[i]->angle, x, y);
        root->children[i]->x = 300+x;
        root->children[i]->y = 300+y;

        cairo_move_to(cr, root->x, root->y);
        cairo_line_to(cr, root->children[i]->x, root->children[i]->y);
        cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 0, 0, 0);

        cairo_arc(cr, 300+x, 300+y, 3, 0, 2 * M_PI);
        cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 1, 1, 1);
        cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 0, 0, 0);

        draw(root->children[i], cr);

int main(void) {
    Node root;

    cairo_surface_t *surface;
    cairo_t *cr;

    surface = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, 600, 600);
    cr = cairo_create(surface);

    cairo_rectangle(cr, 0.0, 0.0, 600, 600);
    cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 1, 1, 1);

    cairo_set_line_width(cr, 2);

    for (int i=0; i<6; i++) {
        cairo_arc(cr, 300, 300, 40*i, 0, 2 * M_PI);
        cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, .5, .5, .5);

    draw(&root, cr);

    cairo_surface_write_to_png(surface, "image.png");


    return 0;

Update 2: Just to make it easier for you, here is how to center the nodes: 更新2:为了让您更轻松,以下是如何使节点居中:


for (int i=0; i<root->children.size(); i++) {
    float centerAdjust = 0;
    if (root->parent != 0) {
        centerAdjust = (-root->angleRange + root->angleRange / n) / 2;
    root->children[i]->angle = root->angle + root->angleRange/n * i + centerAdjust;
    root->children[i]->angleRange = root->angleRange/n;

Showing a more populated tree: 显示更加人口稠密的树: 在此输入图像描述

Here is an implementation of the algorithm from the article that should work (note: I didn't compile it since I don't have other parts of your program): 这是应该工作的文章中的算法的实现(注意:我没有编译它,因为我没有你的程序的其他部分):

void Tree::CalculateAngles()
    // IsEmpty() returns true if the tree is empty, false otherwise
    if (!IsEmpty())
        Node* pRoot = GetNodesInDepth(0).at(0);
        // Relative to the current angle
        // Absolute limit
    for (int depth = 1; depth < GetDepth() + 1; depth++)
        double dDepth = (double)depth;
        // The last non-leaf node in of the current depth (i.e. node with children)
        Node* pPreviousNonleafNode = NULL;
        // The first non-leaf node
        Node* pFirstNonleafNode = NULL;
        // The parent of the previous node
        Node* pPreviousParent = NULL;
        int indexInCurrentParent = 0;
        double dTangentLimt = acos( dDepth / (dDepth + 1.0) );
        for (int i = 0; i < GetNodesInDepth(depth).size(); i++)
            Node* pCurrentNode = GetNodesInDepth(depth).at(i);
            Node* pParent = pCurrentNode->GetParent();
            if (pParent != pPreviousParent)
                pPreviousParent = pParent;
                indexInCurrentParent = 0;
            // (GetMaxChildAngle() - GetMinChildAngle()) / GetChildCount()
            double angleSpace = pParent->GetAngleSpace();
            pCurrentNode->SetAngle(angleSpace * (indexInCurrentParent + 0.5));
            if (pCurrentNode->IsParent())
                if (!pPreviousNonleafNode)
                    pFirstNonleafNode = pCurrentNode;
                    double dBisector = (pPreviousNonleafNode->GetAngle() + pCurrentNode->GetAngle()) / 2.0;
                pPreviousNonleafNode = pCurrentNode;
        if (pPreviousNonleafNode && pFirstNonleafNode)
            if (pPreviousNonleafNode == pFirstNonleafNode)
                double dAngle = pFirstNonleafNode->GetAngle();
                pFirstNonleafNode->SetLowerBisector(dAngle - PI);
                pFirstNonleafNode->SetHigherBisector(dAngle + PI);
                double dBisector = PI + (pPreviousNonleafNode->GetAngle() + pFirstNonleafNode->GetAngle()) / 2.0;

void Tree::CalculatePositions()
    for (int depth = 0; depth < GetDepth() + 1; depth++)
        double redius = SPACING * depth;
        for (int i = 0; i < GetNodesInDepth(depth).size(); i++)
            Node* pCurrentNode = GetNodesInDepth(depth).at(i);
            double angle = pCurrentNode->GetAngle();
            pCurrentNode->SetXRadial(redius * qCos(angle) + MIDDLE(m_nWidth));
            pCurrentNode->SetYRadial(redius * qSin(angle) + MIDDLE(m_nHeight));

void Tree::CalculateLayout ()

double Node::GetAngleSpace()
    return (GetMaxChildAngle() - GetMinChildAngle()) / GetChildCount();

Note: I tried to mimic your code style so you won't have to refactor it to match other parts of your program. 注意:我试图模仿您的代码样式,因此您不必重构它以匹配程序的其他部分。

PS If you spot any bugs, please notify me in the comments - I'll edit my answer. PS如果你发现任何错误,请在评论中通知我 - 我会编辑我的答案。

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