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[英]WPF combobox not showing suggestion like winform combobox

I am struggling with WPF Combobox in order to show suggestion while user is typing like this (in WinForms): 我在WPF Combobox方面苦苦挣扎,以便在用户键入以下内容时显示建议(在WinForms中):


But what is happing is that the combobox is appending when user is typing like this (in WPF): 但是,令人困惑的是,当用户键入以下内容时(在WPF中),组合框将追加:


Problem How can I show a dropdown list when user is typing as suggestions 问题当用户输入建议时如何显示下拉列表

Many many thanks for your attention. 非常感谢您的关注。

My Code: 我的代码:

 <ComboBox x:Name="item_category" Width="190" IsEditable="True" SelectionChanged="category_SelectionChanged"/>

You should use AutoCompleteBox which behaves dropdown as well as autocomplete. 您应该使用表现出下拉菜单以及自动完成功能的AutoCompleteBox

You can install from this version 您可以从此版本安装

Add this event to your ComboBox : 将此事件添加到您的ComboBox

<ComboBox Name="cmb1" IsEditable="True" PreviewTextInput="cmb1_PreviewTextInput">

Then in the code behind: 然后在后面的代码中:

List<string> db;
public Window()
     db = new List<string> { "abc","abg","hjn" };
     cmb1.ItemsSource = db;

private void cmb1_PreviewTextInput(object sender, TextCompositionEventArgs e)
     cmb1.ItemsSource = db.Where(p => p.Contains(e.Text)).ToList();
     cmb1.IsDropDownOpen = true;

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