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[英]tryCatch() Vs if else

I have recently started exploring R programming and have a very trivial doubt. 我最近开始探索R编程,并且有一个非常琐碎的疑问。 I want to write a function which would try to load the required packages and install the same in case its not installed already. 我想编写一个函数,该函数将尝试加载所需的软件包并在尚未安装的情况下进行安装。

I have written it using if else logic. 我已经使用if else逻辑编写了它。 My question is will it be more efficient if I use tryCatch()? 我的问题是,如果使用tryCatch()会更有效吗? Is there any other advantage than the ability to handle errors as it is not important to handle errors in this context. 除了处理错误的能力外,还有什么其他优势,因为在这种情况下处理错误并不重要。

Below is the code I am currently using: 以下是我当前使用的代码:


  if (!require(tm)) 

   if (!require(SnowballC)) 

  if (!require(wordcloud)) 

  if (!require(RWeka)) 

  if (!require(qdap)) 

  if (!require(timeDate)) 

  if (!require(googleVis)) 

  if (!require(rCharts)) 
    if (!require(downloader)) 

    download("https://github.com/ramnathv/rCharts/archive/master.tar.gz", "rCharts.tar.gz")
    install.packages("rCharts.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")


You can check at once and install missing packages. 您可以立即检查并安装缺少的软件包。

# Definition of function out, the opposite of in
"%out%" <- function(x, table) match(x, table, nomatch = 0) == 0

# Storing target packages
pkgs <- c("tm", "SnowballC", "wordcloud", "RWeka", "qdap",
          "timeDate", "googleVis")

# Finding which target packages are already installed using
# function installed.packages(). Names of packages are stored
# in the first column
idx <- pkgs %out% as.vector(installed.packages()[,1])

# Installing missing target packages

We can in fact use tryCatch for this. 实际上,我们可以使用tryCatch If the program tries to load a library that is not installed, it will throw an error - an error that can be caught and resolved with a function called by tryCatch() . 如果程序尝试加载未安装的库,则会引发错误-该错误可以使用tryCatch()调用的函数捕获并解决。

Here's how I would do it: 这是我的处理方式:

needed_libs <- c("tm", "SnowballC", "wordcloud", "RWeka", "qdap", "timeDate", "googleVis")
install_missing <- function(lib){install.packages(lib,repos="https://cran.r-project.org/", dependencies = TRUE); library(lib, character.only = TRUE)}
for (lib in needed_libs) tryCatch(library(lib, character.only=TRUE), error = function(e) install_missing(lib))

This will install the missing packages and load the required libraries, as requested in the OP. 根据OP的要求,这将安装缺少的软件包并加载所需的库。

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