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Spring Security SAML断言已过期

[英]Spring security SAML assertion expired

How and when is the Service Provider(Spring Security SAML) validating if the assertion is out of date? 如果断言已过期,服务提供者(Spring Security SAML)如何以及何时进行验证? I have a Service Provider created and configured in an webbapplication. 我在webb应用程序中创建并配置了服务提供商。 My Identity Provider is ADFS 2.0 authenticates and returns a SAML-response with an assertion. 我的身份提供者是ADFS 2.0身份验证并返回带有断言的SAML响应。 This assertion has a "Condition" with the flags "NotBefore" and "NotOnOrAfter". 该断言的标志为“ NotBefore”和“ NotOnOrAfter”的“ Condition”。 As of now my assertion is valid for 1min. 截至目前,我的主张有效期为1分钟。

When I am authenticated, my client-session is valid for 10 min. 通过身份验证后,我的客户会话有效期为10分钟。 This means that my assertion will expire while the client-session is still valid. 这意味着当客户端会话仍然有效时,我的断言将过期。 Should the Service Provider detect that my Assertion has expired and therefore ask the IDP to reauthenticate? 服务提供商是否应该检测到我的断言已过期,并因此要求IDP重新认证? What am I missing? 我想念什么?

I faced your same problem and still investigating on it. 我也遇到了同样的问题,并且仍在调查中。 It seems a different time between sp and isp. 似乎sp和isp之间的时间不同。 You can test it extending WebSSOProfileConsumerImpl, implementing verifyAssertion method.Here it the code commented: 您可以通过实现verifyAssertion方法扩展WebSSOProfileConsumerImpl对其进行测试。

protected void verifyAssertion(Assertion assertion, AuthnRequest request,   SAMLMessageContext context) throws AuthenticationException, SAMLException, org.opensaml.xml.security.SecurityException, ValidationException, DecryptionException {

    /*// Verify storage time skew
    if (!isDateTimeSkewValid(getResponseSkew(), getMaxAssertionTime(), assertion.getIssueInstant())) {
        throw new SAMLException("Assertion is too old to be used, value can be customized by setting maxAssertionTime value " + assertion.getIssueInstant());

    // Verify validity of storage
    // Advice is ignored, core 574
    verifyIssuer(assertion.getIssuer(), context);
    verifyAssertionSignature(assertion.getSignature(), context);

    // Check subject
    if (assertion.getSubject() != null) {
        verifySubject(assertion.getSubject(), request, context);
    } else {
        throw new SAMLException("Assertion does not contain subject and is discarded");

    // Assertion with authentication statement must contain audience restriction
    if (assertion.getAuthnStatements().size() > 0) {
        //verifyAssertionConditions(assertion.getConditions(), context, true);
        for (AuthnStatement statement : assertion.getAuthnStatements()) {
            if (request != null) {
                verifyAuthenticationStatement(statement, request.getRequestedAuthnContext(), context);
            } else {
                verifyAuthenticationStatement(statement, null, context);
    } else {
        verifyAssertionConditions(assertion.getConditions(), context, false);


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