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现在的 Sherlock ActionBar

[英]Sherlock ActionBar nowadays

I'm trying to implement Sherlock ActionBar, but I'm not getting... Seems It's too old.我正在尝试实施 Sherlock ActionBar,但我没有得到...似乎它太旧了。

Does it have an equivalent ActionBar, or someone have a new tutorial ?它是否有等效的 ActionBar,或者有人有新的教程?

ActionBarSherlock was deprecated two years ago. ActionBarSherlock 两年前已被弃用。 Either use the native action bar that is part Android (from API Level 11 onwards), or use Google's appcompat-v7 action bar backport in the Android Support library.要么使用属于 Android 的本机操作栏(从 API 级别 11 开始),要么使用 Android 支持库中的 Google 的appcompat-v7操作栏向后移植。 Both are covered in the documentation .两者都包含在文档中

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