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[英]Polymer - Nesting a content tag inside a conditional template

I'm using a conditional template to distribute content that is passed into the element. 我正在使用条件模板来分发传递到元素中的内容。 If the condition is true, it will show the first content element, otherwise the second. 如果条件为真,它将显示第一个内容元素,否则显示第二个。 I noticed that when I update the condition the already distributed content is not updated. 我注意到当我更新条件时,已经分发的内容不会更新。 Once it is visible it will remain visible. 一旦可见,它将保持可见。 My first attempt looked like this: 我的第一次尝试是这样的:

<template is="dom-if" if="{{test}}">
    <content select=".first">
<template is="dom-if" if="{{!test}}">
    <content select=".second">

I noticed that it will work, if the content is wrapped in another element. 我注意到,如果将内容包装在另一个元素中,它将起作用。

<template is="dom-if" if="{{test}}">
        <content select=".first">
<template is="dom-if" if="{{!test}}">
        <content select=".second">

I've created a plunker that demonstrates both cases. 我创建了一个展示这两种情况的插件 Is there an explanation for this behaviour? 有这种行为的解释吗? Is it on purpose or a bug? 是故意还是错误?

This is actually per design. 这实际上是每个设计。 Here`s what the Polymer team had to say on the issue on Github. 这是Polymer小组在Github上必须就此发表的看法。

Hiding a <content> has no effect on the visibility of its distributed children (per spec), so your options are to wrap the content with a wrapper element that can be hidden (and will hide the distributed children), or use restamp which will pull the <content> out of the DOM all together. 隐藏<content>对其分布式子级的可见性没有影响(根据规范),因此您的选择是使用可以隐藏(并隐藏分布式子级)的wrapper元素包装内容,或使用restamp<content>一起拉出DOM。 It is slightly unintuitive that the restamp and non-restamp setups work differently, however it is a result of the non-restamp behavior which hides rather than destroying DOM as a performance optimization. 重整和非重整设置的工作方式不同是有点不直观的,但是这是非重整行为的结果,它隐藏而不是破坏DOM作为性能优化。

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