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[英]Capture command output in variable and suppress it

I want to capture output of the following command in a shell script:我想在 shell 脚本中捕获以下命令的输出:

echo "User-Name=root,User-Password=root123" | radclient auth testing123

I have a shell script as follows:我有一个shell脚本如下:


        while IFS="\t" read -r ip key;
                case "$ip" in
                        "") continue ;;
                echo "User-Name=root,User-Password=root123" | radclient $ip auth $key

        done < "$FILE"
        exit 1

Edit: Removed the extra quotes and it works.编辑:删除了额外的引号,它的工作原理。

Now, Upon running the command:现在,运行命令后:

echo "User-Name=root,User-Password=root123" | radclient auth testing123

It returns following output: (Actually the radclient returns the following output).它返回以下输出:(实际上radclient返回以下输出)。

Received response ID 1, code 2, length = 33
    Reply-Message = "Hello, root"

How to capture output from the command.如何捕获命令的输出。

Edit: As per Answer below I used:编辑:根据下面我使用的答案:

OUTPUT=`echo "User-Name=$username,User-Password=$passwd" | radclient $ip auth $key`

This captures returned string in OUTPUT.这会在 OUTPUT 中捕获返回的字符串。 However it also prints the output on screen.但是它也会在屏幕上打印输出。

How can we suppress output of radclient from printing on screen as well as store the ouput in OUTPUT.我们如何抑制 radclient 的输出在屏幕上打印以及将输出存储在 OUTPUT 中。

You can store the output in a variable like this:您可以将输出存储在这样的变量中:

OUTPUT=$(echo "User-Name=root,User-Password=root123" | radclient $ip auth $key)
echo "$OUTPUT"

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