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[英]Xamarin Forms Element Parent property is null

I have a ViewCell that is used as an item template for a ListView : 我有一个ViewCell用作ListView的项目模板:

ListView details_list = new ListView ();
details_list.ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(CartViewCell));

Inside the ViewCell I would like to have a function to access the ListView's itemSource in order to delete an item. 在ViewCell中我想要一个函数来访问ListView的itemSource以删除一个项目。 I though I would do this by accessing the Parent property inside the ViewCell 我虽然通过访问ViewCellParent属性来做到这ViewCell

ListView parent = (ListView)this.Parent;

But when I attempt this, it shows the parent to be null. 但是当我尝试这个时,它会显示父项为null。 Is this an incorrect way to be using the Parent property? 这是使用Parent属性的错误方法吗? What am I missing? 我错过了什么?

there is an override method you have to call it then the parent will not be null 有一个覆盖方法,你必须调用它,然后父级将不为空

protected override void OnParentSet()
            object view = Parent;

            if (view.GetType() == typeof(Grid))


There are a couple of ways to solve this; 有几种方法可以解决这个问题; two possibilities include 两种可能性包括

  1. Use a Command 使用命令

Define a Command in your ViewModel, 在ViewModel中定义一个命令,

// define a command property
public ICommand DeleteCommand { get; set; }

// in your constructor, initialize the command
DeleteCommand = new Command<string>((id) =>
  // do the appropriate delete action here

and then in your ViewCell bind to it 然后在你的ViewCell绑定它

<Button Command="{Binding DeleteCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding ID}" Text="Delete" />
  1. Use message passing 使用消息传递

In your ViewModel, subscribe to a message: 在ViewModel中,订阅消息:

MessagingCenter.Subscribe<MyViewCell, string> (this, "Delete", (sender, id) => {
    // do the appropriate delete action here

In your ViewCell, send the message whenever they click the button (or whatever triggers the action) - ID should be and identifier for the particular item 在您的ViewCell中,只要他们点击按钮(或触发操作的任何内容)就发送消息 - ID应该是特定项目的标识符

MessagingCenter.Send<MyViewCell, string> (this, "Delete", ID);

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