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[英]How to change the position of view after a translate animation using NineOldAndroids?

I tried searching around and found that you have to set a listener to change the actual position of the view when the animation ends. 我尝试四处搜索,发现必须设置一个侦听器才能在动画结束时更改视图的实际位置。 But the thing is, I don't know how I can get the end values from the ObjectAnimator I am using. 但问题是,我不知道如何从正在使用的ObjectAnimator中获取最终值。

Isn't there an easy way to do this aside from setting listeners to all of my Animators, there are like 9 of them. 除了为所有Animator设置侦听器之外,没有一种简便的方法可以做到这一点,其中有9个。 Something like a setFillAfter(true) I always see that but I can't seem to find what Animator object uses it. setFillAfter(true)类的东西我总能看到,但似乎找不到Animator对象使用它的东西。

It turns out you have to have an AnimatorListener attached to the Animators that will do this for you. 事实证明,您必须在Animators上附加一个AnimatorListener才能为您执行此操作。 But that is too much for me because I have multiple Animators. 但这对我来说太多了,因为我有多个动画师。 So what I did, I positioned them on the layout in what they would be after the end animation, then I made the Animator to animate from the start position to their end position. 因此,我做的是,将它们放置在布局上,使其处于结束动画之后的状态,然后使Animator从开始位置到结束位置进行动画处理。 That way I don't have to fret over the actual positions of the views 这样,我不必担心视图的实际位置

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