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[英]How to create a conditional field in logstash?

I have a field called "Priority" which has integer values like 1 to 10. Here 1 is the lowest and 10 is the highest. 我有一个名为“ Priority”的字段,该字段的整数值为1到10。这里1是最低的,而10是最高的。 How to show string values, rather than, numbers to make this field more understandable. 如何显示字符串值而不是数字,以使该字段更容易理解。 So new field should contain 3 values ie 因此,新字段应包含3个值,即

low ---> if priority lies in 1 to 3
Medium---> if priority lies in 4-7
high---->if priority lies in 8-10

First of all, you need to assure that your priority value is of type int . 首先,您需要确保您的优先级值是int类型。 After that you can use logstash's conditionals to change the value into a string. 之后,您可以使用logstash的条件将值更改为字符串。

Example Configuration: 配置示例:

input { stdin {} }
filter {
    grok { match => { "message" => [" %{NUMBER:priority:int}" ] } }
    if [priority] < 4 {
        mutate { replace => { "priority" => "low" } } 
    } else if [priority] < 8 {
        mutate { replace => { "priority" => "medium" } }
    } else {
        mutate { replace => { "priority" => "high" } }
output {stdout { codec => rubydebug }}

Please note the grok filter which parses your number into a field of type int . 请注意grok过滤器 ,它将您的数字解析为int类型的字段。


That means, wherever you get your priority field from, you need to take care that it contains an int. 这意味着,无论从何处获得优先级字段,都需要注意它包含一个int。 Otherwise you could do this by comparing string values. 否则,您可以通过比较字符串值来做到这一点。

I would suggest that you keep two fields: both the numeric and the string (pretty) version. 我建议您保留两个字段:数字和字符串(漂亮的)版本。 That way, you can run efficient queries based on the number and display the string on your charts, etc. 这样,您可以根据数字运行有效的查询,并在图表上显示字符串,等等。

More info here . 更多信息在这里

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