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[英]JQuery making horizontally scrolling page too big

I am making a side scrolling blog post page for a client. 我正在为客户制作侧滚动博客文章页面。 After much trial and error I have ended up using JQuery to make the site scroll to the right if it's large or scroll up and down if it's mobile. 经过多次试验和错误,我最终使用JQuery使网站滚动到右侧(如果网站很大),或者向上或向下滚动(如果它是移动的)。 Only problem is when the document loads initially in a non-mobile browser it is 40,000px wide. 唯一的问题是,当文档最初在非移动浏览器中加载时,其宽度为40,000px。 Here is the code. 这是代码。

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.0.0-alpha1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery-mousewheel/3.1.13/jquery.mousewheel.js"></script>
        var windowH = $(window).height();
        var windowW = $(window).width();

        $(window).on('load', function(){
            if(windowW >= windowH) {//this is horizontal
                var allImgWidth = 0;
                $('article img').each(function(){
                    allImgWidth += $(this).width() + 10 ;//10 is padding
                $('html, body').width(allImgWidth);   //makes page width of all images and padding that I have set elsewhere
                $('article img').height(windowH - 150);//this accounts for header height and margin height from top

                // $('article img').css('margin-left', '10px');
            } else {
                $('article img').width(windowW);//if window width is not greater than window height, the images are the width of the original window

            if(windowW >= windowH) {
                (function() {
                    function scrollHorizontally(e) {
                        e = window.event || e;
                        var delta = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, (e.wheelDelta || -e.detail)));
                        document.documentElement.scrollLeft -= (delta*80); // Multiplied by 80 (increases speed of scroll)
                        document.body.scrollLeft -= (delta*80); // Multiplied by 80

                    if (window.addEventListener) {
                        // IE9, Chrome, Safari, Opera
                        window.addEventListener("mousewheel", scrollHorizontally, false);
                        // Firefox
                        window.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", scrollHorizontally, false);
                    } else {
                        // IE 6/7/8
                        window.attachEvent("onmousewheel", scrollHorizontally);
                })();//function scrollHorizontally ends
            } else {
            }//else ends
        });//onload ends 

            var windowH = $(window).height();
            var windowW = $(window).width();

            if(windowW >= windowH) { //horizontal
                var allImgWidth = 0;
                $('article img').each(function(){
                    allImgWidth += $(this).width() + 11 ;
                $('html, body').width(allImgWidth);   
                $('article img').height(windowH - 150);
                $('article img').css('width','auto');//dynamically resizes pics
                $('article img').css('margin-left', '9px');
            } else { //vertical
                $('html, body').width(windowW);  
                $('article img').width(windowW);
                $('article img').css('height','auto');
                $('article img').css('margin-top', '10px');

            if(windowH >= windowW) {
                $(window).on('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function(event){
                    if (event.originalEvent.wheelDelta > 0 || event.originalEvent.detail < 0) {
                        // scroll up
                    } else {
                        // scroll down
            } else {
                $(window).off('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll');
                (function() {
                    function scrollHorizontally(e) {
                        e = window.event || e;
                        var delta = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, (e.wheelDelta || -e.detail)));
                        document.documentElement.scrollLeft -= (delta*80); // Multiplied by 80 (increases speed of scroll)
                        document.body.scrollLeft -= (delta*80); // Multiplied by 80

                    if (window.addEventListener) {
                        // IE9, Chrome, Safari, Opera
                        window.addEventListener("mousewheel", scrollHorizontally, false);
                        // Firefox
                        window.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", scrollHorizontally, false);
                    } else {
                        // IE 6/7/8
                        window.attachEvent("onmousewheel", scrollHorizontally);
                })();//function scrollHorizontally ends
        });//window resize ends   
    })(jQuery);//full function ends

And then the body of the page itself... 然后页面的主体本身...

<div id="page-wrap">
    <article class="post">
        <img src="assets/images/tumblr_nqvdnry3Du1ttpk3mo1_1280.jpg">
        <p>This is a caption!</p>
    <article class="post">
        <img src="assets/images/tumblr_nqvdktfpUS1ttpk3mo3_1280.jpg">
        <p>This is a caption!</p>
    <article class="post">
        <img src="assets/images/tumblr_nqvdktfpUS1ttpk3mo2_1280.jpg">
        <p>This is a caption</p>
    <article class="post">
        <img src="assets/images/tumblr_nqvdktfpUS1ttpk3mo1_1280.jpg">
        <p>this is a caption</p>
    <article class="post">
        <img src="pictures/photo3.jpg">
    <article class="post">
        <img src="pictures/photo4.jpg">
    <article class="post">
        <img src="pictures/photo5.jpg">
    <article class="post">
        <img src="pictures/photo6.jpg">
    <article class="post">
        <img src="pictures/photo7.jpg">
    <article class="post">
        <img src="pictures/photo7.jpg">
    <article class="post">
        <img src="pictures/photo7.jpg">
    <article class="post">
        <img src="pictures/photo7.jpg">
    <article class="post">
        <img src="pictures/photo7.jpg">
    <article class="post">
        <img src="pictures/photo7.jpg">
    <article class="post">
        <img src="pictures/photo7.jpg">
    <article class="post">
        <img src="pictures/photo7.jpg">
    <article class="post">
        <img src="pictures/photo7.jpg">
    <article class="post">
        <img src="pictures/photo7.jpg">
    <article class="post">
        <img src="pictures/photo7.jpg">
    <article class="post">
        <img src="pictures/photo1.jpg">

When the page is resized, it works fine. 调整页面大小后,它可以正常工作。 And onload is fine for small screens. 对于小屏幕,onload很好。 It is only in the large screen when the page initially loads that it is this big. 只有页面初始加载时它才在大屏幕上。 Thoughts? 有什么想法吗?

You're adding all of the image widths together with this code: 您将所有图像宽度与以下代码相加:

$('article img').each(function(){
    allImgWidth += $(this).width() + 11 ;

and then setting your html/body width to that number. 然后将您的html / body宽度设置为该数字。

So, if the width of the page is 40,000px then that is what allImgWidth equals. 因此,如果页面的宽度为40,000px,则allImgWidth等于。 Check to make sure there are not other images on the page that are being included with the $('article img') selector. 检查以确保页面上没有$('article img')选择器附带的其他图像。

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