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[英]how to pass a string around a list of strings in haskell

How would I get this piece of code to accept a list of strings and output a frame around the outside. 我如何获得这段代码来接受字符串列表并在外部输出框架。 I understand the concept but just cannot execute the code in the final frame function. 我理解这个概念,但是无法在最终框架函数中执行代码。

minusdots :: Int -> String
minusdots 1    = "-."
minusdots n
   | n > 1     = "-." ++ (minusdots (n-1))
   | otherwise = error "please enter greater than 1"

bar :: Int -> String
bar n
    | even n    = minusdots (div n 2)
    | otherwise = (minusdots (div n 2)) ++ ['-']

 frame :: [String] -> IO String
 frame text = map putStrLn (bar m) ++ "\n" ++ textshown ++ "\n" ++ (bar m)
    textshown = "- " ++ text ++ " -"
    m         = length textshown

I have worked on this all day and come up with this but there's still some bugs I need to work out 1. When I pass the border string into the frameM function, If I was to pass say "SS" is there any way I could make the S'S frame on top of each other,istead of side by side so the more letters i put into the first argument the bigger the total perimeter of the frame gets? 我整天都在努力,想出了这个问题,但仍然有一些错误需要解决。1.当我将边框字符串传递给frameM函数时,如果我要传递,请说“ SS”有什么办法使S形框架彼此并排放置,而不是并排放置,因此我在第一个参数中输入的字母越多,框架的总周长越大? heres what I've done: 这是我所做的:

minusdots ::  Int -> String -> String
minusdots 1  a =  a
minusdots  n a
   | n > 1     =  a ++ (minusdots (n-1) a)
   | otherwise = error "argument not addmissible"

bar :: String -> Int -> String
bar s n
   | even n    = minusdots (div n 2) s 
   | otherwise = (minusdots (div n 2) s) ++ s

frameM :: String -> String -> String
frameM a text = (bar a m) ++ "\n" ++ textshown ++ "\n" ++ (bar a m)  
    textshown = b ++ text ++ b
    m         = length textshown
    b         = a

I believe the type of your frame should be frame :: String -> IO () — it takes a string a puts a "framed" version of it to stdout . 我相信frame的类型应该是frame :: String -> IO () -它需要一个字符串,并将其“框架”版本放入stdout Then you don't need map putStrLn and can just use putStrLn . 然后,您就不需要map putStrLn而只需使用putStrLn

Now, consider this line: 现在,考虑以下这一行:

putStrLn (bar m) ++ "\n" ++ textshown ++ "\n" ++ (bar m)

you are calling putStrLn (bar m) and then trying to append some stuff to the result of that (hint: use parentheses or $ ). 您正在调用putStrLn (bar m) ,然后尝试将一些内容附加到该结果(提示:使用括号或$ )。

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