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php的mysqli-> real_escape_string()将引号转换为htmlchars

[英]php's mysqli->real_escape_string() converting quotes to htmlchars

Pretty simple piece of code; 很简单的一段代码; accepting user input for a name (quotes/apostrophe's valid), and then storing it in a mysql db; 接受用户输入的名称(引号/撇号有效),然后将其存储在mysql数据库中;

$this->sql = new mysqli($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass, $this->dbname);

$firstname = $this->sql->real_escape_string($firstname);
$lastname = $this->sql->real_escape_string($lastname);

$sql = "INSERT INTO users
        (firstname, lastname)
        ('{$firstname}', '{$lastname}')";


However, when in use, this is converting all quotes/apostrophe's into ' 但是,在使用时,这会将所有引号/撇号转换为' .

Would anyone have any ideas as to what could cause this? 谁会对此产生任何想法? I've checked through the script for any htmlspecialchars or other methods being called. 我已经检查了脚本中是否有任何htmlspecialchars或其他被调用的方法。

That is what real_escap_string does. 这就是real_escap_string所做的。 All characters which can be used to perform an SQL Injection attack have to be escaped. 可以用于执行SQL注入攻击的所有字符都必须转义。 See here for a full list of these "symbols" http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/html-spec/html-spec_13.html If you display them the browser renders them to what they are supposed to look like, but they are can not effect your Query any more. 有关这些“符号”的完整列表,请参见此处。http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/html-spec/html-spec_13.html如果显示它们,浏览器会将它们呈现为它们应具有的外观,但是它们将不再影响您的查询。

If you do not want to change the characters I suggest the use of prepared statements. 如果您不想更改字符,我建议使用准备好的语句。 They are the best way to prevent SQL Injection attacks. 它们是防止SQL注入攻击的最佳方法。 More on this topic can be found here: http://php.net/manual/de/mysqli.quickstart.prepared-statements.php and here: How can I prevent SQL injection in PHP? 有关此主题的更多信息,请参见: http//php.net/manual/de/mysqli.quickstart.prepared-statements.php,以及以下内容: 如何防止PHP中的SQL注入?

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