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[英]Pop dialog in front of an active open file dialog

When the user opens some files, I use the open event in order to make some operations before enabling him to actually open. 当用户打开一些文件时,我使用open事件来进行一些操作,然后才能使其真正打开。 For that I have a progress dialog. 为此,我有一个进度对话框。

However, my dialog is always opened behind the open file dialog. 但是,我的对话框总是在打开文件对话框的后面打开。

I've added the following code to windowDidLoad of my NSWindowController : 我在NSWindowController windowDidLoad中添加了以下代码:

[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
[[NSApplication sharedApplication] runModalForWindow:self.window];

But it didn't make any impact. 但这并没有产生任何影响。

Open dialog: 打开对话框: 打开对话框

How can I display my dialog in front? 如何在前面显示对话框? Note that my dialog is opened after it and closed before it. 请注意,我的对话框是在它之后打开并在它之前关闭。


self.window.level = NSPopUpMenuWindowLevel;

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