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[英]Cross-Compiling Qt for Embedded Linux Applications

Where qmake.conf file is located and how it should look for armhf debian wheezy platform? qmake.conf文件位于何处,以及如何查找armhf debian wheezy平台? (BeagleBone Black) (BeagleBone黑色)

I am trying to follow these steps , but some of them are unreasonable like that one about qmake. 我正在尝试遵循这些步骤 ,但是其中某些步骤与qmake一样不合理。

Also what does export PATH=path/to/cross/compiler:$PATH will do? 另外, 导出PATH = path / to / cross / compiler:$ PATH会做什么?

I enter something like this in path/to/cross/compiler 我在path / to / cross / compiler中输入这样的内容

export PATH=/usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++:$PATH 导出PATH = / usr / bin / arm-linux-gnueabihf-g ++:$ PATH

export PATH=/usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++:$PATH 导出PATH = / usr / bin / arm-linux-gnueabihf-g ++:$ PATH

you should add directory to PATH not path to file, in your case it is /usr/bin , but because of /usr/bin is already in your PATH you can skip this step. 您应该将目录添加到PATH而不是文件路径,在您的情况下为/usr/bin ,但是由于/usr/bin已经在PATH中,因此可以跳过此步骤。

Where qmake.conf file is located and how it should look for armhf debian wheezy platform? qmake.conf文件位于何处,以及如何查找armhf debian wheezy平台?

Look at mkspecs/linux-arm-gnueabi-g++/ in qt source directory, your qmake.conf should looks like it, you can just modify this file to point to your compiler. 查看qt源目录中的mkspecs/linux-arm-gnueabi-g++/ ,您的qmake.conf应该看起来像,您可以修改此文件以指向您的编译器。

After a week of trying to configure arm qt cross-compiler on my Debian 7 Wheezy, I decided to try to follow these steps on Ubuntu 14.04, and everything went as expected! 经过一周的尝试在Debian 7 Wheezy上配置arm qt交叉编译器后,我决定尝试在Ubuntu 14.04上执行以下步骤 ,一切按预期进行! So, don't lose your time playing with Debian Wheezy host machine, try with newest Ubuntu distribution and save your time! 因此,不要浪费时间在Debian Wheezy主机上玩游戏,尝试使用最新的Ubuntu发行版,节省您的时间!

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