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[英]Create a collection with product variants in shopify

Can I create a collection which contains specific product variants(Based on variant options). 我可以创建一个包含特定产品变型的集合(基于变型选项)。

Right now, our problem is that we can't add a variant to a collection, only a product. 目前,我们的问题是我们不能仅向产品添加变体。

The usecase is that we want to create a voucher code, which gives reduced prices for a specific variant of a product. 用例是我们要创建一个优惠券代码,以降低特定产品型号的价格。

A book is a product. 书是产品。 You can add products to collections. 您可以将产品添加到集合中。 While it is true that a product has many variants, you cannot target a variant from a product, in a collection, unless you introduce your own very specific add hoc code. 虽然产品确实有很多变体,但是除非您引入自己的非常特定的即席代码,否则您不能在集合中针对某个产品的变体。 That would be fragile I bet. 我敢打赌,那太脆弱了。 You could of course create a collection of products that all consisted of one variant, the digital version, eligible for a discount. 当然,您可以创建一组产品,这些产品全部由一个具有折扣的数字版本组成。 Why is that such a big deal? 为什么这么重要? The customer might find two products representing the same book, one digital and one not, but that should not pose much of an issue. 客户可能会发现代表同一本书的两种产品,一种是数字产品,而另一种不是,但这应该不会造成太大的问题。 In fact, a good designer will simply present both products on the same page, and let the customer choose the one they want. 实际上,优秀的设计师只会在同一页面上展示两种产品,然后让客户选择他们想要的产品。 So you can indeed do what you want, provided you choose to learn how to setup that way. 因此,只要您选择学习以这种方式进行设置,就可以按照自己的意愿去做。

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