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[英]Ember component and dynamic attributes over iteration

How can I add support to my custom Ember component for appending dynamic attributes and also action? 如何为自定义Ember组件添加支持以添加动态属性和动作? I have my custom component as 我有我的自定义组件

{{my-radiobutton name='myName' value='RadioButton1' selection=this.selectedRadio}}

Now I want to iterate over API response and have dynamic attributes in my template as well as action support as below; 现在,我要遍历API响应,并在模板中具有动态属性以及以下操作支持;

{{#each model.myApi as |myApi|}}
{{#if someCondition}}
{{my-radiobutton name='myName_{{myApi.someId}}' value='someAction_{{myApi.someId}}' selection=this.selectedRadio {{action 'actionClicked'}}}}
{{my-radiobutton name='myName_{{myApi.someId}}' value='someAction_{{myApi.someId}}' selection=this.selectedRadio {{action 'actionClicked'}}}}

Is it possible to do that? 有可能这样做吗?

PS: I do not have control over the custom component my-radiobutton, since it is kind of common/external, so I'll prefer anything in the template or my controller PS:我无法控制自定义组件my-radiobutton,因为它是常见的/外部的,所以我希望模板或控制器中的任何内容

You might be looking for the concat helper 您可能正在寻找concat助手

{{#each model.myApi as |myApi|}}
  {{#if someCondition}}
    {{my-radiobutton name=(concat "myName_" myApi.someId) value=(concat "someAction_" myApi.someId) selection=this.selectedRadio {{action 'actionClicked'}}}}
     {{my-radiobutton name=(concat "myName_" myApi.someId) value=(concat"someAction_" myApi.someId) selection=this.selectedRadio {{action 'actionClicked'}}}}

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