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Ruby Backup gem在上传到S3时失败。 37分钟后重置连接

[英]Ruby Backup gem failing when uploading to S3. connection reset after 37 min

The backups are 250MB. 备份为250MB。 I don't think that's very big, but it appears the problem is increasing with the size. 我认为这不是很大,但是问题似乎随着尺寸的增加而增加。

Log from the Backup gem below. 从下面的备份gem登录。

Note the time span; 注意时间跨度; about 37 min into the uploading I get connection reset. 大约上传37分钟后,我将重置连接。

[2015/10/30 09:20:40][message] Storage::S3 started transferring '2015.' to bucket 'myapp-backups'.
[2015/10/30 09:57:06][error]   ModelError: Backup for Back up PostgreSQL (myapp_postgres) Failed!
[2015/10/30 09:57:06][error]   An Error occured which has caused this Backup to abort before completion.
[2015/10/30 09:57:06][error]   Reason: Excon::Errors::SocketError
[2015/10/30 09:57:06][error]   Connection reset by peer

Did you try the error handing options, which retransmit the file's portions that have failed : 您是否尝试过错误处理选项,这些选项会重新传输失败的文件部分:

store_with S3 do |s3|
  s3.max_retries = 10
  s3.retry_waitsec = 30

Keep also the chunk size small: 还要使块大小较小:

store_with S3 do |s3|
  s3.chunk_size = 5 # MiB

You may also want to use the Splitter options . 您可能还需要使用Splitter选项

I wuold say for now to use ruby-xz to compress in a smaller file in order to send it more compressed and temprary patch it, then try to see 我会说,暂时使用ruby-xz压缩到一个较小的文件中,以便向其发送更多压缩和临时补丁,然后尝试查看

Excon.defaults[:write_timeout] = 500

or more would do the trick 或更多会成功

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