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将带有纯文本的 html 代码作为属性值放置是一个好习惯吗?

[英]Is it a good practice to put html code with plain text as a value of an attribute?

Is it considered a good or a bad practice to put text and html code as a value of an attribute, here is an example :将文本和 html 代码作为属性的值被认为是还是坏的做法,这里是一个例子:

  var name = '<h3>name</h3>Here goes a description about the name   attribute';
  var elem = document.getElementById('monElem');
  elem.innerHTML = name;

knowing the fact that the text between html tags is a static text not a dynamic one.知道 html 标签之间的文本是静态文本而不是动态文本这一事实。 If it is a bad practice then is the solution to use a template engine ?如果这是一个不好的做法,那么使用模板引擎的解决方案是什么?

Unless you are using this code to generate a lot of DOM content, ie execute it a few hundred or thousand times, you'll be good.除非您使用此代码生成大量DOM 内容,即执行数百或数千次,否则您会很好。

Just for completeness I'd like to mention that there's a few other ways of generating HTML content from Javascript:为了完整起见,我想提一下,还有其他几种从 Javascript 生成 HTML 内容的方法:

  1. document.createElement 文档.createElement
  2. document.createDocumentFragment document.createDocumentFragment
  3. <template> element <template>元素

The performance of these three is generally higher than using innerHTML , but the differences between the three are currently pretty inconsistent between browsers and browser versions.这三者的性能普遍高于使用innerHTML ,但目前三者之间的差异在浏览器和浏览器版本之间相当不一致。

Also, <template> isn't fully supported in all browsers yet and won't be supported in older browsers.此外, <template>尚未在所有浏览器中得到完全支持,旧浏览器也不支持。

If the purpose is to show/hide this static HTML on demand, then it might be even better not to dynamically add and remove it from your HTML document, but to show/hide it via CSS :如果目的是按需显示/隐藏此静态HTML ,那么最好不要在HTML文档中动态添加和删除它,而是通过CSS显示/隐藏它:

    <div id="hoverMe" onmouseout="showHelp(0)" onmousemove="showHelp(1)">
        Hover me to learn about "name"
    <div id="monElem" style="display:none">
        Here goes a description about the name   attribute

    var elem = document.getElementById('monElem');
    function showHelp(show) {
        elem.style.display = show ? '' : 'none';

This will also have better performance than adding the elements to the DOM at the moment of need.这也将比在需要时将元素添加到 DOM 具有更好的性能。

It depends on styleguide in your team, but in most cases it's a bad practice.这取决于您团队中的风格指南,但在大多数情况下,这是一种不好的做法。

The better solution is when you'll create new element throught javascript:更好的解决方案是当您通过 javascript 创建新元素时:

var h3 = document.createElement("h3");
var text = document.createTextNode("Any name … .");

var elem = document.getElementById('monElem');    
elem.insertBefore(h3, elem.firstChild);

Why is it better?为什么更好? Just because it's faster, more conviniet and predictable.只是因为它更快、更方便、更可预测。

Read more about document methods on w3schools .在 w3schools 上阅读有关文档方法的更多信息。

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