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[英]Java when to catch general Exceptions and specific Exceptions

I am always using catch (Exception e) {//whatever} but is that actually correct ? 我一直在使用catch(Exception e){// whatever},但这实际上是正确的吗? Why should I use specific exceptions if general Exception works for everything ? 如果通用异常适用于所有情况,为什么还要使用特定的异常? Does it somehow affect the performance ? 它会以某种方式影响性能吗?

I am always using catch (Exception e) {//whatever} but is that actually correct ? 我一直在使用catch(Exception e){// whatever},但这实际上是正确的吗?

No. That goes against good recommendation to catch the most appropriate specific exception. 否。这与捕获最适当的特定例外的良好建议背道而驰。

Why should I use specific exceptions if general Exception works for everything ? 如果通用异常适用于所有情况,为什么还要使用特定的异常?

Because exceptions you don't really expect can be masked. 因为您确实没有想到的异常可以被掩盖。 For example, when performing some database operations, a SQLException might happen, which is expected, and you can implement handling it gracefully. 例如,当执行某些数据库操作时,可能会发生SQLException ,这是预料之中的,您可以实现对其的优雅处理。 And if a ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException gets thrown, that would be unexpected, and most probably indicate a programming error. 而且,如果抛出ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ,这将是意外的,并且很可能表示编程错误。 But if instead SQLException you catch Exception , then you might never know that the unexpected ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException was thrown. 但是,如果不是SQLException而是捕获Exception ,那么您可能永远不会知道抛出了意外的ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException And the graceful cleanup might also not apply for this kind of exception. 优雅的清理也可能不适用于这种异常。

Using specific exceptions also makes the code more readable: the reader can understand what kind of things can go wrong in the code guarded by the try-catch . 使用特定的异常还可以使代码更具可读性:读者可以理解try-catch保护的代码中可能发生什么事情。

Related to this is that when you declare a method to throw an exception, the declaration should use the exception that's most appropriate to the abstraction. 与此相关的是,当您声明引发异常的方法时,声明应使用最适合抽象的异常。

Does it somehow affect the performance ? 它会以某种方式影响性能吗?

Not at all. 一点也不。

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