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如何使用Angular.js和UI Bootstrap创建分页

[英]How Create Pagination with Angular.js and UI Bootstrap

Currently I implement a simple pagination with Angular.js and UIBootstrap but single show the first page uu I have the next code: 目前,我使用Angular.js和UIBootstrap实现了简单的分页,但是仅显示第一页,我有了下一个代码:

Index.html 的index.html

<div class="box-body table-responsive no-padding">
              <table class="table table-hover" ng-controller="IndexCtrl">
                <tr ng-repeat="user in users| filter:search |startFrom:(currentPage - 1) * pageSize|limitTo: pageSize">
                  <td>@{{ user.name }}</td>
                  <td>@{{ user.email }}</td>
                  <td><span class="label label-success">@{{ user.level.permission }}</span></td>
                  <td>Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet salami venison chicken flank fatback doner.</td>

            </div><!-- /.box-body -->
            <uib-pagination total-items="users.length" ng-model='currentPage' items-per-page='pageSize' boundary-links="true">

Controller: 控制器:

var Suap = angular.module('Suap', ['ui.bootstrap']);

   return function(data, start){
    return data.slice(start);
 .controller('IndexCtrl', function($scope, $http){
  $scope.users = [],

    method: 'GET',
    url: '/route'
  }).then(function(response) {
     $scope.users = response.data;

在此处输入图片说明 Thanks :D 感谢:D

Your pager is outside of the controller scope since you only set the controller on the <table> 您的寻呼机不在控制器范围内,因为您仅在<table>上设置了控制器

You need to move ng-controller higher up to an element that includes both your box-body element and the <uib-pagination> element 您需要将ng-controller向上移动到一个既包含box-body元素又包含<uib-pagination>元素的元素

You need to bind all the page numbers to uib-pagination. 您需要将所有页码绑定到uib分页。 For this create a function inside the controller and set the scope of current page value dynamically from the function. 为此,在控制器内部创建一个函数,并从该函数动态设置当前页面值的范围。 Also you need to put the ng-controller directive to root element in order to get the pagination 另外,您还需要将ng-controller指令放置到root元素上以获得分页

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