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[英]Filter select based on another select angular and keep first row

I'm trying to build double select with null option. 我正在尝试使用null选项构建双选。

One select is filtered according to the first select chosen option. 根据第一个选择的选项过滤一个选择。 The problem I have is I want to keep the first 'null' row even after filter. 我遇到的问题是我想在过滤后保留第一个'null'行。

I've made a plunker based on solution of null option I saw. 我根据我看到的null选项的解决方案做了一个plunker。 Here's the plunker: demo 这是plunker: demo

I am trying to select a country and in the cities, keep the 'null' option (anyCity) as a selectable option. 我试图选择一个国家和城市,保持'null'选项(anyCity)作为可选择的选项。 What is the best approach to achieve this? 实现这一目标的最佳方法是什么?

(My original problem consists of double filter--> selecting a city also filtering the country) (我原来的问题包括双重过滤 - >选择一个城市也过滤国家)

Html: HTML:

<body ng-controller="DemoCtrl">
  <p>Selected: {{country.selected || (country.selected === null ? 'null' : '')}}</p>
  <ui-select ng-model="country.selected" theme="bootstrap" ng-disabled="disabled" style="width: 300px;">
    <ui-select-match placeholder="Select or search a country in the list...">{{$select.selected.name}}</ui-select-match>
    <ui-select-choices repeat="country in countries | filter: $select.search" null-option="anyCountry">
      <span ng-bind-html="country.name | highlight: $select.search"></span>
      <small ng-bind-html="country.code | highlight: $select.search"></small>

  <p>The loose-null option treats undefined the same as null.</p>
  <p>Selected: {{country2.selected || (country2.selected === null ? 'null' : '')}}</p>
  <ui-select ng-model="country2.selected" theme="bootstrap" ng-disabled="disabled" style="width: 300px;">
    <ui-select-match placeholder="Select or search a city in the list...">{{$select.selected.name}}</ui-select-match>
    <ui-select-choices repeat="city in cities | filter: {country: country.selected.code}" null-option="anyCity" loose-null>
      <span ng-bind-html="city.name | highlight: $select.search"></span>
      <small ng-bind-html="city.code | highlight: $select.search"></small>

The issue is that there is a filter on cities which is trying to match each city's country against the selected country, and currently the 'Any city' option will not meet that criteria. 问题是cities中有一个过滤器,试图将每个城市的国家与所选国家进行匹配,目前“任何城市”选项都不符合该标准。

One approach would be to leave the filter as-is, but ensure that the 'Any city' option always meets the filter criteria. 一种方法是按原样保留过滤器,但确保“任何城市”选项始终满足过滤条件。 You could achieve this by setting a country property on the existing anyCity object and populate it with all possible cities. 您可以通过在现有anyCity对象上设置country属性并使用所有可能的城市填充它来实现此目的。

$scope.anyCity = {name: 'Any city', country:['GB', 'US', 'UM']};

Another approach is to change the filter to always allow the 'Any city' option. 另一种方法是将过滤器更改为始终允许“任何城市”选项。

View: 视图:

<ui-select-choices repeat="city in cities | filter: countryFilter" null-option="anyCity" loose-null>

Controller: 控制器:

$scope.countryFilter = function(city){
  return city === $scope.anyCity
  || city.country === $scope.country.selected.code;

Which is better? 哪个更好? The first approach is simple in this example but for a long list of countries less ideal. 在这个例子中,第一种方法很简单,但对于一长串不太理想的国家而言。 If your data can change, you'd need to populate it dynamically. 如果您的数据可以更改,则需要动态填充它。 I prefer the second as it's more explicit what the intended functionality is. 我更喜欢第二种,因为它更明确的是预期的功能。

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