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[英]Why is the output order changing when I print using printf?

I want to generate an output like this "firstname surname: day.month.year " but what i get is some mixed up order. 我想生成一个像“firstname surname:day.month.year”这样的输出,但我得到的是一些混合顺序。 I am new to C and I don't know what's going on here. 我是C的新手,我不知道这里发生了什么。

So this is what i get 所以这就是我得到的


This is my code 这是我的代码

char string[imax];
fgets (string, imax, team1); //wo, max count, aus welchem file
int i=1, k=0;
char delimiter[] = " ";
char *day, *month, *year, *firstname, *surname;
char *stats[5];

while(fgets(string,imax,team1) != 0)
    /*stats[0] = strtok(string,delimiter);
    while(i <=4)
        stats[i] = strtok(NULL,delimiter);

    day = strtok(string,delimiter);
    month = strtok(NULL,delimiter);
    year = strtok(NULL,delimiter);
    firstname = strtok(NULL,delimiter);
    surname = strtok(NULL,delimiter);

    printf("%s ", firstname);
    printf("%s:", surname);
    printf("%s.", day);
    printf("%s.", month);
    printf("%s. ", year);


EDIT: I get the same order as the order in the file i am reading from 编辑:我得到的订单与我正在阅读的文件中的订单相同

First, you need to add a newline after printing the year. 首先,您需要在打印年份后添加换行符。 Either change 要么改变

printf("%s. ", year);


printf("%s.\n ", year);

or add 或添加

fputc( '\n', stdout );

The second thing is, that after fgets() the newline of the source text file is part of string and therefore part of surname . 第二件事是,在fgets()之后,源文本文件的换行符是string一部分,因此是surname一部分。 You can handle this by adding '\\n' to delimiter (and if it's a Windows text file opened on another system (eg UNIX), '\\r' too) 你可以通过在delimiter添加'\\n'来处理这个问题(如果它是在另一个系统(例如UNIX)上打开的Windows文本文件),也可以'\\r'

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