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在Django Admin中显示外键的值

[英]Display values from foreign key in Django Admin

I am trying to show values from a foreign key in my model value (in admin). 我试图在我的模型值(在admin中)中显示来自外键的值。

I am using "except" tho I am I should use explicit. 我使用的是“除外”,我应该使用显式的。 How do I use this? 我该如何使用? And how to I get the below working correctly? 以及如何使以下内容正常工作? It just shows (none) but there is a value there. 它只是显示(无),但那里有一个值。

Thanks 谢谢

Admin.py 管理员

    def price(self, obj):
            price = Price.objects.filter(variation=Variation.objects.filter(product=obj)[0])
            price = 'None'
        return format_html('<center><b>"{0}"</b></center>', price.price)

Models.py 型号


class Product(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField ("Name", max_length=130)
    link = models.URLField("Link", max_length=740)

class Variation(models.Model):
    product = models.ForeignKey(Product, blank=False, null=False)
    variation = models.CharField (max_length=80, blank=True, null=True)
    def __str__(self):
        return self.variation

class Price(models.Model):
    price = models.DecimalField("Price", decimal_places=2, max_digits=10)
    variation = models.ForeignKey(Variation, blank=False, null=False)
    updated = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)
    def __int__(self):
        return self.price

Let's try to simplify your code. 让我们尝试简化您的代码。

Instead: 代替:

price = Price.objects.filter(variation=Variation.objects.filter(product=obj)[0])

You can write: 你可以写:

price = Price.objects.filter(variation__product=obj)

Filter return QuerySet, but You want to have one price: 过滤器返回QuerySet,但是您要一个价格:

price = Price.objects.filter(variation__product=obj)[0]

When no price found, You want to write None , else price.price: 如果找不到价格,则要写None ,否则要写price.price:

    price = Price.objects.filter(variation__product=obj)[0].price
except Price.DoesNotExist:
    price = 'None'
return format_html('<center><b>"{0}"</b></center>', price)

And finally "explicit" version: 最后是“显式”版本:

prices = Price.objects.filter(variation__product=obj)
price = prices[0].price if prices.exists() else 'None'
return format_html('<center><b>"{0}"</b></center>', price)

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