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[英]Position reset when minimizing

When I start my application, the object spawns at the given position (given vector). 当我启动我的应用程序时,对象在给定位置(给定的矢量)产生。 But when I minimize the monogame window and reopen it, then the object is in the upper-left corner. 但是,当我最小化monogame窗口并重新打开它时,该对象位于左上角。

Why is this happening? 为什么会这样呢?

NOTE: this is my Draw method: 注意:这是我的Draw方法:

public virtual void Draw(GameTime gameTime, SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
    // Position is the object position 
    spriteBatch.Draw(textureImage, position, new Rectangle(
    (currentFrame.X * frameSize.X),
    (currentFrame.Y * frameSize.Y),
    frameSize.X, frameSize.Y),
    Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, 2, SpriteEffects.None, 0);

How the starting position is calculated: 起始位置的计算方式:

// Vector2 position is the starting position for the object

public PlayerMovement(Texture2D textureImage, Vector2 position, Point frameSize, int collisionOffSet, Point currentFrame, Point startFrame, Point sheetSize, float speed, float speedMultiplier, float millisecondsPerFrame)
        : base(textureImage, position, frameSize, collisionOffSet, currentFrame, startFrame, sheetSize, speed, speedMultiplier, millisecondsPerFrame)
        children = new List<Sprite>();

I use Vector2 direction to know which direction the sprite is facing: 我使用Vector2 direction来了解精灵所面向的方向:

public abstract Vector2 direction

I use the get in my PlayerMovement class and return inputDirection * speed 我在PlayerMovement类中使用get并返回inputDirection * speed

( inputDirection is a Vector2 ) inputDirection是一个Vector2

Finally in my Update method, I do position += direction and I also check if the player isn't touching the borders of the screen(he can't move out the screen.). 最后,在Update方法中,我position += direction ,还检查播放器是否未触摸屏幕的边界(他不能移出屏幕)。

From my own experience, using Game.Window.ClientBounds in an Update call has caused problems when the window is minimized. 根据我的经验,在最小化窗口时,在Update调用中使用Game.Window.ClientBounds会引起问题。 Here is some sample code from my project: 这是我的项目中的一些示例代码:

Rectangle gdm = Game.Window.ClientBounds;
if (DrawLocation.X < 0) DrawLocation = new Vector2(0, DrawLocation.Y);
if (DrawLocation.Y < 0) DrawLocation = new Vector2(DrawLocation.X, 0);
if (DrawLocation.X > gdm.Width - DrawAreaWithOffset.Width) DrawLocation = new Vector2(gdm.Width - DrawAreaWithOffset.Width, DrawLocation.Y);
if (DrawLocation.Y > gdm.Height - DrawAreaWithOffset.Height) DrawLocation = new Vector2(DrawLocation.X, gdm.Height - DrawAreaWithOffset.Height);

The problem I had when minimizing was that Game.Window.ClientBounds was returning some width/height around -32000 . 最小化时我遇到的问题是Game.Window.ClientBounds返回的宽度/高度约为-32000 This would always reset my game objects to some default location when restoring the window. 恢复窗口时,这总是将我的游戏对象重置到某个默认位置。 I fixed it by first checking that the ClientBounds Width and Height were both greater than zero: 我通过首先检查ClientBounds WidthHeight都大于零来解决此问题:

Rectangle gdm = Game.Window.ClientBounds;
if (gdm.Width > 0 && gdm.Height > 0) //protect when window is minimized
    if (DrawLocation.X < 0)
        DrawLocation = new Vector2(0, DrawLocation.Y);
    if (DrawLocation.Y < 0)
        DrawLocation = new Vector2(DrawLocation.X, 0);
    if (DrawLocation.X > gdm.Width - DrawAreaWithOffset.Width)
        DrawLocation = new Vector2(gdm.Width - DrawAreaWithOffset.Width, DrawLocation.Y);
    if (DrawLocation.Y > gdm.Height - DrawAreaWithOffset.Height)
        DrawLocation = new Vector2(DrawLocation.X, gdm.Height - DrawAreaWithOffset.Height);

For reference, here is a diff of changes that fixed the minimize problem for my own project. 作为参考,这里有一些变化 ,这些变化解决了我自己项目的最小化问题。

A separate bug I was having involved interaction with the game still happening when the game was not the primary, active window. 当游戏不是主要的活动窗口时,我仍在与游戏互动发生一个单独的错误。 You can also add a check for Game.IsActive at the beginning of your Update and Draw calls: 您还可以在UpdateDraw调用开始时添加对Game.IsActive的检查:

public override void Update(GameTime gt)
    if(!IsActive) return;

Or if using Game Components, your component update/draw would look like: 或者,如果使用游戏组件,则组件的更新/绘制如下所示:

public override void Update(GameTime gt)
    if(!Game.IsActive) return;

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