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如何在 Drupal 8 树枝模板中使用图像样式?

[英]How to use an image style in a Drupal 8 twig template?

I am trying to print an image using an image style that I've created in my drupal 8 theme.我正在尝试使用我在 drupal 8 主题中创建的图像样式打印图像。

I can print an image in a template by doing {{ content.banner }} but how do I apply the image style to that image?我可以通过执行 {{ content.banner }} 在模板中打印图像,但是如何将图像样式应用于该图像? I tried looking for documentation but there doesn't seem to be any out there.我试图寻找文档,但似乎没有任何文档。

Currently drupal 8 doesn't have special filter for applying image style.目前drupal 8 没有用于应用图像样式的特殊过滤器。 Instead you can set new attribute for your image like this:相反,您可以为您的图像设置新属性,如下所示:

{% set image = image|merge({'#image_style': 'thumbnail'}) %}

Then simply output your updated image:然后只需输出更新后的图像:

{{ image }}

PS .附注。 You can do {{ dump(image) }} to see what attributes you can update您可以执行{{ dump(image) }}来查看您可以更新哪些属性

I resolve this by creating my own Twig Filter .我通过创建我自己的Twig Filter 来解决这个问题。

You can do the same by creating your own module exposing this Filter .您可以通过创建自己的模块来公开此Filter来执行相同的操作。

Feel free to re-use it.随意重复使用它。


namespace Drupal\twig_extender\TwigExtension;

use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;
use Drupal\Core\Link;
use Drupal\Core\Url;

use Drupal\file\Entity\File;
use Drupal\image\Entity\ImageStyle;

class Images extends \Twig_Extension {
     * Generates a list of all Twig functions that this extension defines.
     public function getFunctions(){
         return array(
             new \Twig_SimpleFunction('image_style', array($this, 'imageStyle'), array('is_safe' => array('html'))),

    * Gets a unique identifier for this Twig extension.
    public function getName() {
        return 'twig_extender.twig.images';

      * Generate images styles for given image
      public static function imageStyle($file_id, $styles) {
          $file = File::load($file_id);
          $transform = array();
          if (isset($file->uri->value)) {
              $transform['source'] = $file->url();
              foreach ($styles as $style) {
                  $transform[$style] = ImageStyle::load($style)->buildUrl($file->uri->value);
         return $transform;


{% set transform = image_style(image.entity.fid.value, ['thumbnail', 'large']) %}

Then you have access to the source image & styles然后您就可以访问源图像和样式

{{ transform.source }}
{{ transform.thumbnail }}
{{ transform.large }}

Hope it will help you guy !希望它会帮助你的家伙!

How to do this without contrib module: make it your own render array.如何在没有 contrib 模块的情况下执行此操作:使其成为您自己的渲染数组。

{% for item in content.field_images['#items'] %}
  {% set image = {
    '#theme':      'image_style',
    '#style_name': 'medium',
    '#uri':        item.entity.uri.value,
    '#alt':        item.alt,
    '#width':      item.width,
    '#height':     item.height
  } %}
  {{ image }}
{% endfor %}

It's probably worth mentioning, that it's useful to first question your assumption.可能值得一提的是,首先质疑您的假设很有用。 Do you really need to do this in Twig?你真的需要在 Twig 中这样做吗? If you can just configure a view-mode (or Views field) to render the image field with the appropriate (responsive) image style, that would be much simpler.如果您可以仅配置视图模式(或视图字段)以使用适当的(响应式)图像样式渲染图像字段,那将简单得多。

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