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哪些浏览器支持 ECMAScript 6 的导入和导出语法?

[英]Which browsers support import and export syntax for ECMAScript 6?

I am currently writing a web application using the MEAN Stack, and am attempting to write code in ECMAScript 6 JavaScript;我目前正在使用 MEAN Stack 编写 Web 应用程序,并尝试使用 ECMAScript 6 JavaScript 编写代码; however, I am getting errors in both Chrome and Firefox when using import and export syntax.但是,在使用导入和导出语法时,我在 Chrome 和 Firefox 中都遇到了错误。 Are there currently any browsers that fully support ECMAScript 6?目前是否有完全支持 ECMAScript 6 的浏览器?

Please note: I am not asking when ECMAScript 6 will be supported by browsers.请注意:我不是问浏览器何时支持 ECMAScript 6。 I'm asking which browsers support ECMAScript 6 import and export syntax.我在问哪些浏览器支持 ECMAScript 6 导入和导出语法。 See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/New_in_JavaScript/ECMAScript_6_support_in_Mozilla#Features_not_yet_supported_by_Firefox请参阅https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/New_in_JavaScript/ECMAScript_6_support_in_Mozilla#Features_not_yet_supported_by_Firefox

It's supported in:它支持:

  • Safari 10.1 Safari 10.1
  • Chrome 61铬 61
  • Firefox 54 – behind the dom.moduleScripts.enabled setting in about:config. Firefox 54 – 在 about:config 中的 dom.moduleScripts.enabled 设置后面。
  • Edge 16边缘 16

Chrome and Firefox support import and export syntax (there exists tests for proper parsing ). Chrome 和 Firefox 支持importexport语法(存在正确解析的测试)。

What isn't supported is module loading - you can't load module by any means, because specification for it isn't complete.不支持的是模块加载 - 您不能以任何方式加载模块,因为它的规范不完整。 You have to use some kind of module bundler for this.为此,您必须使用某种模块捆绑器。 I'm not front-end developer, but I have heard good opinions on Rollup from my coworkers.我不是前端开发人员,但我从我的同事那里听到了关于Rollup 的好意见。

As others have said, support for it is still very limited.正如其他人所说,对它的支持仍然非常有限。 But even if there was full support.... would it be smart to use it?但即使有充分的支持......使用它是否明智? How would we do that?我们怎么做?

Think about it.想想看。 A typical JS app written with Node JS modules easily contains dozens, even hundreds of (very small) packages.使用 Node JS 模块编写的典型 JS 应用程序很容易包含数十个甚至数百个(非常小的)包。 Do we really want that many requests?我们真的想要那么多请求吗?

Browserify, Webpack, Rollup etc are so popular because they allow us to bundle many small packages into one fast download. Browserify、Webpack、Rollup 等如此受欢迎,因为它们允许我们将许多小包捆绑到一个快速下载中。 With code splitting we can let the module bundler decide at transpilation time, based on the code our pages are actually using and on some configuration settings, how many bundles to create and what to put in each of them.通过代码拆分,我们可以让模块打包器在转换时根据我们的页面实际使用的代码和一些配置设置来决定要创建多少包以及在每个包中放入什么。 That way we can write many small packages and serve them as a (couple of) big bundles.这样,我们就可以写了许多包裹,并将其作为一个(几个)大捆。

My point is that we should divide our code into packages that work well on a conceptual level, then bundle those packages into bundles that work well on a technical (network) level.我的观点是,我们应该将我们的代码划分为在概念级别上运行良好的包,然后将这些包捆绑到在技术(网络)级别运行良好的包中。 If we write our code based on optimum network packet size, we end up sacrificing modularity in the process.如果我们根据最佳网络数据包大小编写代码,我们最终会在此过程中牺牲模块化。

In the meantime, using it will probably only add to the confusion.与此同时,使用它可能只会增加混乱。 For example, look at the example on the Edge blog:比如看Edge博客上的例子:

import { sum } from './math.js';

Note how they add the extension .js to the from string?请注意他们如何将扩展名.js添加到from字符串? In Node JS we usually write this as:在 Node JS 中,我们通常这样写:

import { sum } from './math';

So will the above code also work on Edge?那么上面的代码也适用于 Edge 吗? And what about named packages?那么命名包呢? I fear we will see a lot of incompatibility here before we figure out how to make these paths work across the board.我担心在我们弄清楚如何使这些路径全面工作之前,我们会在这里看到很多不兼容。

I would hazard to guess that for most developers, System.import will remain mostly invisible in the browsers and that only the bundling software itself will start to use it (for efficiency purposes) when it becomes mainstream.我敢猜测,对于大多数开发人员来说, System.import将在浏览器中几乎不可见,并且只有捆绑软件本身会在它成为主流时开始使用它(出于效率目的)。

Now there's a pollyfill that you can use to import ES6 module.现在有一个pollyfill可以用来导入 ES6 模块。

I tested it successfully on Chrome.我在 Chrome 上测试成功。

Here is the link: http://github.com/ModuleLoader/browser-es-module-loader这是链接: http : //github.com/ModuleLoader/browser-es-module-loader

It is also implemented natively in Edge 14:它也在Edge 14 中本地实现:

https://blogs.windows.com/msedgedev/2016/05/17/es6-modules-and-beyond https://blogs.windows.com/msedgedev/2016/05/17/es6-modules-and-beyond

According to Google's Javascript Style Guide :根据谷歌的 Javascript 风格指南

Do not use ES6 modules yet (ie the export and import keywords), as their semantics are not yet finalized.不要使用 ES6 模块(即exportimport关键字),因为它们的语义尚未最终确定。 Note that this policy will be revisited once the semantics are fully-standard.请注意,一旦语义完全标准,将重新考虑此策略。

// Don't do this kind of thing yet:
//------ lib.js ------
export function square(x) {
    return x * x;
export function diag(x, y) {
    return sqrt(square(x) + square(y));

//------ main.js ------
import { square, diag } from 'lib';

However, import and export are implemented in many transpilers, such as the Traceur Compiler, Babel or Rollup.但是, importexport是在许多转译器中实现的,例如 Traceur Compiler、Babel 或 Rollup。

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